WATSONVILLE — Cavtat is a small city on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, some 6,400 miles from Watsonville.
On Tuesday, it will become Watsonville’s newest sister city when officials from Cavtat and Watsonville sign the agreement.
To mark that occasion, two dignitaries from Cavtat visited Watsonville on Thursday, during which they visited the police and fire stations, the library and recycling plant.
During their two-week visit, Deputy Municipal Prefect Ivo Radonic and Head of Dept. of General Affairs Mario Curic will also visit Monterey, San Francisco and Santa Cruz.
They also toured Gizdich Farms, S. Martinelli & Co., Driscoll’s berry company and Sambrailo Packaging.
Radonic said it was their first time traveling overseas.
Watsonville Mayor Francisco Estrada said he was delighted to meet the delegation.
“It’s important that they are here,” he said. “I particularly enjoy how much we have in common — I mean, we both have earthquakes and we love soccer, for starters.”
Watsonville has a total of six sister cities, including Kawakami-Mura, Japan; Pinghu, China; San Pedro Masahuat, El Salvador and Tangancícuaro, México.