56.2 F
October 17, 2024

Letters to the Editor, March 18

We stand with LGBTQ+ people

We are a group of LGBTQ+ and allies in fifth through eighth grade at Watsonville Charter School of the Arts, and are members of our Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs. We were very upset to learn about the hate crime that happened at Cabrillo College where a pride flag was burned. Having pride flags hanging up at schools makes people feel supported and heard, and having a pride flag burned feels like an attack on our identities. The LGBTQ+ community includes people of all ages, and there are many elementary and middle school students who identify as LGBTQ+ or have LGBTQ+ family members. We want our community to know that LGBTQ+ issues are important to kids as well as adults, and we hope more people will show their support for us by hanging up pride flags at their businesses, schools and homes. Supporting people who are different from you and standing up for LGBTQ+ youth makes our community stronger and more beautiful.

Ryin Kent, Aaron Gonzales, Desi Salinas-Holz, Hailey Woods, Luka Chavez, Cash Rivero, Raven Gonzales, Kate Figueroa, Noah Figueroa, and the WCSA GSA and GSA Junior Clubs

Heads in the sand, full sprawl ahead

On March 8, the Watsonville City Council was given a report by their staff presenting the potential impacts of the upcoming Watsonville Planned Growth and Farmland Protection Initiative, which will be on the Nov. 8 ballot. Supporters of the Initiative prepared a document discussing its benefits, and the City staff presented a document, showing only its negative impacts. We had expected a more professional analysis, but the City attorney confirmed its intention, when she stated, “There is no indication that the information that staff has to provide has to be unbiased or even-handed, or talk about the advantages of the ballot measure.” The people of Watsonville do not want Sprawl. They do not want to see the City turn, piece-by-piece, into San Jose.

Sam Earnshaw, Watsonville

Vote no on Greenway

Greenway should be called Greedway, as in greedy bicyclists who only think of themselves and no one else. I would love to have the light rail trolley running on the tracks that were demonstrated in October of last year, the Tig-M. It was proven that they work and would work well here in Santa Cruz County to get cars off the road. There already are plans for a rail and trail. Both could work together, as much of the rail right of way is wide enough for both a trail to walk or bike and the tracks for a light rail trolley. Where it isn’t, there are parallel roads with bike lanes and sidewalks, as with Park Avenue in Capitola.

I voted for Prop 116 in June of 1990. That state-wide proposition was meant to start new passenger rail and return old passenger rail. This county used to have passenger rail service, and it needs to be returned in the from of Tig-Ms on the tracks servicing citizens from Watsonville and Pajaro to the Westside of Santa Cruz. In no way, shape, or form am I as a citizen going to let Greenway tear out those tracks. Vote no on Greenway.  

LD Freitas, Aptos

The Pajaronian welcomes letters. Letters and columns may be dropped off or mailed to The Pajaronian, 21 Brennan St., Suite 18, Watsonville, CA 95076. Letters and columns may also be sent via email to [email protected]. Letters should be less than 300 words, and columns are no more than 700 words. All letters and columns must be signed and have an address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We reserve the right to edit and condense all submissions.


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