Watsonville City Councilman Jimmy Dutra took the stand for the second time in his civil trial Thursday, where he doubled down on his denial that he sexually abused a 12-year-old boy 19 years ago.
Dutra is accused of molesting a boy in 2005 in his Los Angeles apartment.
Criminal charges have never been filed, but the accuser, Stephen Siefke, filed a lawsuit in October 2022 seeking financial damages for emotional damage and years of psychological therapy.
But Dutra points to the timing of the accusations, which came in the run-up to the 2022 election as he vied for a seat on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors.
He told the jury Thursday that the case was also prompted by his recently deceased father’s partner, Suzie McBride, who was upset about the way his estate was being probated and was seeking revenge against Dutra, who was executor.
According to the original court filing, Siefke’s family was close to Dutra’s, and were staying with him at his Los Angeles apartment when they came to visit Disneyland. At one point, the filing states, Dutra returned home one night as Siefke slept on the couch, climbed onto the couch and fondled him.
When asked by his attorney if he had committed the acts, Dutra said he had only met Siefke once, and was firm in his answer.
“Absolutely not,” he said. “I don’t even remember him. There is no relationship.”
Dutra described for the jury the impacts of the accusations and lawsuit.
This included mailers sent to Watsonville residents in the days after the allegations surfaced, which included photos of Dutra and called him an “alleged child molester” and questioned his position as a teacher in Pajaro Valley Unified School District.
Dutra, along with observers in the courtroom, cried when images of these mailers were shown.
He said he was “blindsided” by the accusations.
“It threw my world into chaos,” he said.
He said that he underwent a rigorous background check when he became a teacher.
“I’ve never had one child say anything bad about me,” he said.
Dutra’s attorney, Christopher Panetta, also called Dutra’s former boyfriend Christopher Fuentes to the stand, who stated that he never saw any inappropriate behavior against children by Dutra.
In addition, Fuentes said that Dutra’s couch in his Los Angeles apartment was too small to allow anyone to sleep on it, and that the hardwood floors would similarly disadvantage someone who wanted to sleep there.
Panetta also called to the stand Watsonville City Councilman Casey Clark, who is also a former boyfriend of Dutra’s.
Clark said the relationship ended when Dutra began drinking excessively, and engaging in behavior such as touching people in public and making sexual comments.
Clark said he let the behavior go on for longer than he wanted to because Dutra’s father had recently died.
“I gave passes to his bad behavior, but there came a time when I could no longer accept it,” he said.
UC San Francisco neuropsychologist Jessica Foley, who was testifying as a defense witness, said that she doubted that Siefke has post-traumatic stress disorder, as he has claimed, as he wasn’t showing all of the symptoms she would expect.
Seifke’s attorney, Dana Scruggs, questioned Foley on cross-examination, suggesting she wasn’t qualified to diagnose the disorder. He also pointed out that Foley had merely read Siefke’s case file, but had not interviewed him directly.
Closing arguments were expected on Friday. See pajaronian.com for updates.
He needs to rot in jail
He’s innocent until proven guilty and no criminal charges were ever made against him. I plan to vote for him again. It’s an attack on him from hateful liars.
i dunno, that lounge-lizard photo is pretty incriminating. Plus he never denies being homosensual. The question remaining, does he diddle boy children?
Hey Dave!
Dutra grew up in Watsonville and we are sure he reads these posts along with his butt buddy but there are still not deterred. Someone here said he has no shame. Guess they were right about that!
Grew up? That’s news to me. He is a 50-year old brat.
If you plan to vote for an accused pedo, then you might be a pedo yourself. You’re gross and make me sick.
dThe jury finds Dutra guilty (Pa take note). Panetta is looking into an appeal. Let us gird our wallets.
This guy has no shame whatsoever. Running for election for the 100th time while he’s going through a pedofile trial. Absolutely brain dead.
Hey Dave your input is graciously requested
Whatever else can be said about Dutra, at least he slows down when driving through school zones.
So did Charles Manson that’s a plus!
Keep your kids out of sight while he’s driving around town.
He lives right next to EA Hall and Mintie White!! The city should look into this. Very curious for an accused pedo to live next to two schools…
This jackass was hired as a substitute teacher by the local school district. No thanks to that.
Where do these creeps draw the line? Jimmy seems to think 12 is the right age. I wonder, does NAMBLA give them counsel? If 12 is oK, then how about 10 or 8? How about toddlers and newborns
Very quiet over at the ST camp these days Normally he would be all over this like a cheap suit. I guess the jig is up
Let’s say Jimmy is convicted, can his attorney make an appeal that our letters here influenced the jury?
Is it time for us good citizens to lawyer up?
The jury finds Dutra guilty (Pa take note). Panetta is looking into an appeal. Let us gird our wallets.