WATSONVILLE — The PV Water Board of Directors is inviting the public to hear the latest on the Basin Management Plan Update at its Wednesday meeting.
The meeting will include a quarterly update from staff and consultants on the BMP’s three priority proposed projects. Staff will ask the board to provide guidance regarding the water-right application and the environmental review process for the proposed College Lake Integrated Resources Management Project.
“Since the July 10 community meeting, our team has collected additional monitoring data and continued to evaluate the proposed projects. This is an opportunity for the community, especially landowners and growers, to learn about project developments and offer their comments,” said PV Water Board Chair Rosemarie Imazio.
During the update, staff will discuss recent activities related to the proposed College Lake Project, including the Water-Right Application, which if authorized by the board staff will submit to the State Water Resources Control Board.
Staff will also provide an update on the proposed Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Slough projects.
“While the agency is working on the priority projects and programs recommended by our BMP Update Community Stakeholder Committee, it’s important to hear from all interested members of the public about how they perceive the plan is progressing, as well hear their ideas and suggestions,” said General Manager Brian Lockwood.
All monthly board meetings are open to the public.
“This September meeting is a great opportunity for the public to weigh in on critical issues relevant to everyone in the valley,” Imazio said.
The meeting will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Watsonville City Council Chambers, 275 Main St., fourth floor. For information, visit pvwater.org.