WATSONVILLE — The City of Watsonville announced its recent award of $2.3 million in grant funding for transportation projects by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission at its Dec. 7 meeting.
The projects include infrastructure improvements to Airport Boulevard, Freedom Boulevard and Green Valley Road. The support will also provide bicycle safety improvements at several locations within the city.
“We are pleased that the Regional Transportation Commission awarded us funding and will use it to make improvements that will benefit pedestrians, bicyclists, bus riders, and increase efficiency for drivers in Watsonville,” said Murray Fontes, City of Watsonville principal engineer. “We are grateful for the hard work of our staff and the dedication of our supporting partners.”
Green bike lanes have proven a successful solution to increase bike lane visibility and reinforce bicyclist priority in potential areas of conflict. Research shows that clearly delineating where cyclists ride will make it easier for sharing Watsonville’s roads.
Projects include the following:
• Bike safety — The city will receive $325,000 for a bicycle safety improvement project that includes installing green bike lanes at various locations within the city. Construction is scheduled for the summer of 2019.
• Airport Boulevard — The city will receive an additional $177,000 for the Airport Boulevard Reconstruction Project from Westgate Drive and Larkin Valley Road to Hangar Way. Building on previous funding from the Regional Transportation Commission, improvements will include roadway and bike lane reconstruction, the installation of new sidewalks, and the addition of a flashing beacon at the pedestrian crossing at Holm Road. Construction is scheduled for the summer of 2018.
• Freedom Boulevard — The city will receive $1,550,000 for the Freedom Boulevard Reconstruction Project from Alta Vista Avenue to Green Valley Road. Improvements will include roadway reconstruction, sidewalk improvements, installation of signage and traffic markings for bicycles, upgrading an existing bus stop shelter, and installing a traffic signal at Sydney Avenue. Construction is scheduled for 2022.
• Green Valley Road — The city will receive an additional $306,000 for the Green Valley Road Reconstruction Project from Struve Slough to Freedom Boulevard. Previously funded by the Regional Transportation Commission, improvements will include roadway and bike lane reconstruction, and replacing asphalt pedestrian paths with concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Construction is scheduled for the summer of 2018.