WATSONVILLE — For 150 years the Pajaronian has been delivering the news to the Pajaro Valley and beyond. Over the course of time the paper has taken a variety of forms and publication schedules, each appropriate for their place in history. As we move forward into the next 150 years, we are committed to do the same.

Our goal has always been to reach our readers in the format that best fits their needs and to be flexible enough to change and grow as their needs evolve.

As so many of our readers choose to receive their news and information in a digital format today, it’s become clear that we need to meet their desire with a product that not only delivers the news in a timely manner online, but also provides a comprehensive and in-depth print product. Beginning April 16, we intend to do just that.

The Pajaronian will be changing its print schedule to a once weekly publication on Fridays. Our initial Friday publication will be April 20. 

This exciting change will allow our local reporting staff to focus on just that, local reporting. We will be able to provide in-depth stories in our Friday publication and increase our online offerings on a daily basis.

Our new Friday edition will be an exciting read, packed with the news of the week in one place, and including new features, columns and sections that will add considerably more pages than the current Saturday edition. Our website will be updated daily with breaking news, timely coverage of government meetings, the latest local sports scores and more.

We will be adjusting our circulation rates to reflect our new publication schedule, and if you’re a current subscriber your expiration date will be extended. And print subscribers will continue to have full free access to our website and e-edition. The very next renewal notice that you receive will include the new rate. Individual copies of the paper will change to $1.50 to reflect the increased size and scope of the publication.

Our staff is dedicated to maintaining our high standards and our reputation as the news leader of the Pajaro Valley, and we are more than excited to be bringing the Pajaronian into a new era.

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