Tarmo Hannula/The Pajaronian Barry Scott, California State Program Director for National Energy Education Development, and Judy Gittelsohn, owner of Studio Judy G, work through a test run of a model train on a painted scene of the Monterey Bay.

An upcoming art exhibit at Watsonville’s Studio Judy G on Main Street features the world of railroads and the role trains play around the Monterey Bay. “All Aboard,” will run from June 9 – Aug. 10, and feature photography, painting, sculpture and other mediums.

Barry Scott, of Coast Futura and  Judy Gittelsohn, owner of Studio Judy G, teamed up  Sunday on a test run of a model N (1-inch) train as it traveled across a painting of the Monterey Bay, demonstrating how an active rail line could connect Pajaro, Watsonville, Aptos, Capitola, Santa Cruz and beyond.

Tarmo Hannula/The Pajaronian This painting by Helen Dang shows how a rail system can connect Watsonville with Aptos, Capitola, Santa Cruz and beyond.

The model will be on view Sunday for the public to learn about the rail system and to draw attention to the upcoming “All Aboard” exhibit.

“On Cinco de Mayo, we’re going to have a booth promoting our rail line and enlightening visitors to the potential that we have here,” Scott said. “The county Regional Transportation Commission bought the entire 32-mile rail line back in 2012 to deliver passenger rail service and we’re still committed to seeing that happen, even though there has been some opposition to it.”

Scott said that few people even realize that the passenger rail line, once established, could connect Santa Cruz County with rail lines in rest of the country.

“And it’s also useful for freight which is a much safer and climate friendly way to move goods,” he said.

Sunday’s Coast Futura demonstration is a kick off to the All Aboard art show,” said Gittelsohn.

“It will promote All Aboard and will illustrate an accessible diagram to create train service here soon,” she said.

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General assignment reporter, covering nearly every beat. I specialize in feature stories, but equally skilled in hard and spot news. Pajaronian/Good Times/Press Banner reporter honored by CSBA. https://pajaronian.com/r-p-reporter-honored-by-csba/


  1. Interesting that the community is being played by a greenwashing organization NEED. Need is primary funded by the petroleum and utility industry and Manny board members have affiliations to Koch Industries and the organization publishes information to children about the benefits of coal, fracking hello and why petroleum in critical to our society. Now, they are pushing an an “art show” which is nothing but a series of propaganda posters for their $2,000,000,000 boondoggle selling the false promise of fast rail travel to a community that will beat the most regressive cost of the taxes required for their rail hobby. The community should be very wary of these snake oil salesman and their traveling show.

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    • So We should believe that highway one will continue to meet the needs of commuters far into the future?It is not now and I think the trail and rail will give folks options to car dependency. The display brought that to light, most didn’t even know We have a rail line that can be a great asset for decades and decades.

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      • Hey Frank!
        That’s right, most who came by didn’t know that the tracks there are the same as the tracks in Watsonville and they didn’t know that as county residents they own that railroad, it’s there for their benefit. I was invited by Watsonville leaders to create a tabletop display and had a lot of help from locals who served as interpreters. Thank you for the support!

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    • “Hector”, aka Jack Brown campaign spokesman for Yes Greenway.
      Your ballot initiative lost, your crazy claims aren’t working. Readers should know that anyone can post a comment using any name, so read with a grain of salt.

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  2. It’s pretty sickening that these “White Saviors” are coming to our community with their propaganda. I plan on boycotting this Anglo-Saxxon Cinco de Mayo display.

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    • Hi Anna, thank you for staying where you are in Rio Del Mar and not coming to the Plaza.

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