WATSONVILLE — Found across the planet and enjoyed by countless viewers, mosaics are known for their ability to last thousands of years.
Now, the local community can create their own in downtown Watsonville, crafting icons that could last for generations.
Watsonville artist Kathleen Crocetti, who was chosen by the city to create mosaics for newly-expanded sidewalks in the downtown area, is inviting community members to the farmers market Friday and July 21 on Peck and Union streets from 2-7 p.m. to help with the project.
She will also be holding an open studio at her home on 240 Maple Ave. in Watsonville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.
“We want the community to know it’s happening and be engaged if they want to,” Crocetti said.
The project consists of nearly 20 mosaic medallions, embedded in the sidewalks at three intersections along Main Street: Peck Street, Maple Avenue/Second Street, and First Street.
Each tiled medallion represents a wave of immigrants Watsonville has seen over the years. Crocetti, who has been researching the city’s history at the Pajaro Valley Historical Association, estimates there have been at least 13 waves.
The design for the mosaics came from a series of community meetings Crocetti held earlier in the year, where she gathered input on how each group should be represented.
Each mosaic consists of a border that represents a migrant group, such as the Portuguese and Irish, and inside the border is a design that features the type of work a group was involved with, such as mustard growing for the Chinese and wheat for the Danish.
The mosaics are being created with porcelain tiles that are slip-resistant, Crocetti said.
Crocetti encouraged the public to take part in the project to gain a sense of ownership and pride for the downtown area.
“If you come and help, you are going to be able to bring your grandchildren later and say, ‘I helped with this,’” she said.
The project is expected to wrap up by the end of summer.
For information, contact Crocetti at cr******@ro********.com or 724-5981.