Artists invited to apply for Open Studios tour
Arts Council Santa Cruz County is inviting visual artists of all mediums to apply for the 2023 Open Studios Art Tour.
Every year more than 300 artists participate in this self-guided tour that runs over the first three weekends in October. The deadline to apply is midnight, April 30.
“Open Studios is a great way for artists to broaden their audience and sell their artwork. This opportunity is not just for artists who have studios. If you don’t have your own dedicated studio space, we can partner you with a local artist or gallery host,” Open Studios Director Ann Ostermann said.
There is a $40 fee to apply for Open Studios, and a $300 participation fee once selected
(first-time participants pay $260). Artists are selected by a six-member panel of arts professionals. Open Studios artists receive support with tour preparation, displaying, pricing and selling art.
For information, visit santacruzopenstudios.com.
Central Coast Creative Corps to provide $140K grants
The Central Coast Creative Corps (CCCC) Program is a new grant opportunity funded by the California Arts Council that will provide $140,000 grants for 23 projects produced by partnerships between community-based organizations, including nonprofits, government agencies or tribal governments, and local artists.
The program’s goal is to invest in artists across disciplines to collaborate with partners for 12 months on producing an outreach initiative that addresses one of the following four priority areas as identified by the California Arts Council:
1. Public health awareness messages to stop the spread of Covid-19
2. Climate impact: Public awareness of water and energy conservation, climate change mitigation, emergency preparedness, relief and recovery
3. Civic engagement, including election participation
4. Social justice and community engagement
Organizations are invited to apply for the funds and engage an artist, or individual artist collective, for a one-year project from September 2023 to August 2024. Of the funding award, $100,000 will go directly to the artist for their work on the campaign; with $20,000 allocated for artist-community relations, supplies and materials, and other costs incurred for production and/or implementation; and $20,000 for the organization for program administration.
The grant opportunity is open to organizations in the Central Coast region (Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties).
The program prioritizes communities that demonstrate the highest levels of need, as indicated by the California Healthy Places Index.
“We’re excited to see what’s possible when local artists and community organizations have the time and resources to collaborate meaningfully and in new ways,” said Jim Brown, executive director of Arts Council Santa Cruz County. “Our team is here to support interested organizations through the application process and beyond as projects take shape.”
The deadline to apply is May 1 at 5pm.
For information, visit centralcoastcreativecorps.org. Spanish-language assistance is available.