A detour sign is just a fraction of the indicators for a major construction project on Highway 129/Carlton Road for a road realignment and intersection safety improvements near Watsonville. The project got underway Sept. 24. On Thursday, Carlton Road at Highway 129 will fully close through December, weather permitting. Roadwork hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with one-way reversing traffic control on Highway 129. Up to 20-minute delays are anticipated, said Susana Cruz of Caltrans. Thompson Road will be used as a detour. Highway 129 will remain open to through traffic. The purpose of the project is to realign Carlton Road and construct a new intersection with left-turn channelization. For information, visit www.dot.ca.gov/dist05/projects/carlton_road/carlton_rd_facts.pdf.