WATSONVILLE — The Watsonville City Council on Tuesday approved an additional $175,000 for the Mañana Lane Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project being completed by Bay Pacific Pipeline, Inc.

The additional charge is the $1.48 million project’s fifth since being approved in 2016. In all, the city has spent an additional $428,362.04, according to staff.

The funds for the most recent charge will come from the Wastewater Enterprise Fund.

Other items also approved in the consent agenda of Tuesday night’s meeting:

• Council approved a three-year, $1.01 million contract with Denali Water Solutions, LLC for the Wastewater Treatment Plant biosolids loading, transportation and beneficial reuse project. 

• Council appointed Joyce Parr to the City of Watsonville Library Board of Trustees.

• Council passed a resolution reappointing Mayor Pro Tempore Rebecca Garcia to the County of Santa Cruz Latino affairs commission.

• Council also OK’d a resolution nominating Watsonville Division Fire Chief Tom Avila for the County of Santa Cruz Hazardous Materials Advisory Commission.

• Additionally, council approved a resolution urging Congress to enact H.R. 763, also known as the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019. This bill imposes a fee on the carbon content of fuels, including crude oil, natural gas, coal or any other product derived from those fuels that will be used to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. 

• The council finalized the approval for the construction of an 11,273-square-foot medical office at 5 Nielson St. and 58 Hangar Way. The approved office, set to be built in an empty lot just a short walk from Watsonville Community Hospital, will house a dialysis clinic.

These items were part of the Watsonville City Council’s consent agenda. The consent portion of a meeting agenda contains items that are expected to pass without discussion by the agency in question. Board members and members of the public may pull any of the items for discussion during meetings.

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Tony Nuñez is the Chair of the Pajaro Valley Health Care District Board of Directors. He can be reached at [email protected].


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