A huge, boisterous crowd of people protesting recent arrests of immigrants around the country took their message to the streets Monday following a rally in Watsonville Plaza.
Several thousand people marched along Main Street to the Overlook Center (Target Store) and back again before heading up Main Street as darkness fell.
They then moved up Freedom Boulevard, waving signs such as “No Humans are Illegal” and hollering slogans, including “Si Se Puede,” or “Yes We Can.”
Fortified by hundreds of cars and trucks packed with people waving signs and Mexican flags out their windows, blaring horns and loud music, the crowd blocked traffic and worked their way to Cardenas Market on Freedom Boulevard and swarmed the front of the building, hollering their disapproval of the owners keeping the store open during the nationwide “A Day Without Immigrants” event.
Watsonville Police asked the owners to lock their doors as some protesters reportedly heaved rocks at the store’s windows. As the motorcade blocked traffic along Freedom Boulevard, the crowd moved further north to Vallarta Supermarket, where the crowd of people and cars blocked the entrance and parking lot of the business for about 30 minutes.
“Without immigrants you will not be able to get the food you need,” said Terea Denlos Santos, who worked the berry fields around the Pajaro Valley for decades. “Without immigrants this country would not be what it is today. These are hard workers.”
From there they moved on to South Green Valley Road to Home Depot, where they staged another rally with people and vehicles in front of the business. Then they moved to Starbucks on Main Street in Watsonville Square, where they swarmed the front of the cafe and banged on the glass and waved their placards and flags.
Next, the group blocked traffic along Main Street as they headed south to the Overloook Shopping Center and once again gathered in front of the Target Store and the Starbucks inside the business. Then they returned to Main Street and moved south to another Starbucks on Main Street at Auto Center Drive for another rally.
In their final display, the crowd of marchers and file of vehicles worked their way back to Watsonville Plaza, blocking lanes of traffic along Main Street as Watsonville Police stayed in the fringes following their movements.
By 9pm the crowd ended their day at the plaza where it all began six hours earlier.
IWatsonville Police said that noproperty damage was reported, and no arests were made.
This story has been updated from an earlier version.
It’s the truth. Our country would not be a success without immigrants and all those big farmers making millions and billions wouldn’t be a success without all the farmworkers. This is Trump’s doing and if you voted for Trump and are anti women’s rights, you are disgusting. Wait till your taxes go up since Trump with his Project 2025 are going to jack up taxes on those that make 400,000 or less a year. Reap what you voted for.
Did you know that every president that has been elected as the president of the United States have deported people every single year so why are you hating on Trump and if you want immigrants OK open your house for those people who don’t have a home because I have many friends who don’t have a home and they are immigrants, so give me your information so some people could go to your house and stay over we need housing OK
No one is talking about immigrants. This is about illegal aliens.
Without illegal aliens and open borders, the farmers would not be able to pay slave wages while taxpayers subsidize the slaves. Cartels would not be able to sell children as sex slaves and kill millions of American citizens with drugs. This is what you support and you should be ashamed!
All the stupid brainwashed boomers are still following the mockingbird media. You are driven insane by your emotions and have no critical thinking skills. Meanwhile the rest of us have created a new media ecosystem and are getting the truth, not government propaganda. We now make decisions based on logic and logic tells us we can not open the borders and give more rights and financial benefits to the citizens of other countries than we give American citizens!
President Trump has done nothing to take away women’s rights. This is just fear-mongering gas lighting and no one believes it.
Saying he will raise taxes is just more nonsense. Like how you all said the tariff war would destroy the economy. 2 days later all 4 countries folded and we win! You people are ALWAYS wrong.
Every day the majority of the nation wakes up and learns about all the winning for America. Every day is like Christmas. I have never been so happy or proud of my vote for Donald J. Trump!!!
“Immigration police rounding up immigrants around the country” (Tarmo Hannula/The Pajaronian)
You know this is not happening. The caption to your picture is incorrect. ICE is not rounding up “immigrants.” They’re rounding up “illegal immigrants” and prioritizing those with criminal records.
You obviously are not informed. According to ICE spokesman many men women & children have been detained, without any criminal record, just happened to be undocumented in the same location as the random raid cannot discern who is a criminal. And since they are without papers they too are deported
So like he said, they are illegals.
@Mike E. Unfortunate but the law is the law. Your argument is based on feelings.
Please see 8 U.S. Code § 1325 & 1326. This is the law that criminalizes improper entry into the United States by an alien.
Who’s not informed?
Soon Farmers won’t be needing humans to picked there crops…AI is here. I watched it in YouTube i was amazed by it.
Didn’t see one American
Flag! Protestors are demanding they are not sent to Mexico, but they carry their flag… Instead of the flag of the place they want to stay! It would be like yelling don’t take me to jail, but wearing a prisoners jumpsuit while saying it!
They burned an American flag in target parking lot I was told. Uncalled for but they’re waving their flags…..so wrong!!!
My friends
This rag newspaper consists of only two people Todd and Tamro they Al way manage to stir the pot of racism and hate. This translates into clicks for this BS website and money from advertising. As Anna said, it’s just a matter of time for Watsonville I’m already hearing about the contamination of the fields on nationwide news.
Read my comments on the dunce Hernandez article.
Lots of luck