POW—prisoner of war.
What happened to them? Where did they go? From the time civilization first began so began the mystery of the POW/MIA. Many have fought for truth, justice and freedom. Men and women sacrificing their lives for us.
As I remember my childhood, I think back to the stories from my great uncles about battles they fought from behind enemy lines. Jumping out of planes, firing guns while zig zagging through the sky. The stories my grandmother told me about my grandfather and her brothers. The red flag that held four blue stars because my great Busia (grandmother) had all four of her sons in The World War. Luckily all of them came back, but many were not so lucky.
My father-in-law served as a Marine in Vietnam. Vietnam greatly impacted communities across the U.S., especially in smaller towns such as Watsonville.
Flying the POW flag over the towers of the Pajaro Valley Unified School District is a step toward honoring all of those who willingly sacrificed their lives.
Thank you Mary Helen Hoff for fighting for all POW/MIA families and letting their voices be heard through the symbol of a flag. Thank you Trustee Daniel Dodge Jr. for your leadership and taking the initiative to bring forward this resolution to the Board of Trustees. I look forward to the coming weeks when the community will be able to see the POW/MIA flag flying above the PVUSD towers. May we never forget those that freely gave their lives for us.
Jennifer Schacher, PVUSD Trustee
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