letter to the editor pajaronian

Support Cabrillo’s name change

I am a Cabrillo College student in support of the name change. Plenty of places have changed their names. Dixie State University is now Utah State University. Robert Lee High School is now John Lewis High School. The more we know, the more we owe. 

Change is healthy; we are an evolving society. Why hold onto a name mired in genocide? Names are important. The majority of students and staff at Cabrillo support the name change. Don’t we have the right to pick a new name, regardless of cost? 

As a Chicano student, I am appalled by the opposition, which has made me feel unsafe in my own county. I used to think Santa Cruz County was progressive. Now I’m starting to see its true colors. 

If you are upset at the name change, check yourself. What’s behind that? To me, it smells of racial and cultural anxiety. Do you care that Facebook is now Meta or Twitter is now X? Probably not. But you are quick to attack Cabrillo and threaten its leadership. Shameful. 

Yan Bañales-García


Don’t cater to the woke

I formally object to the name change of our beloved Cabrillo College. The expense alone should be reason enough. I think the board should be more concerned with providing a quality education than catering to the woke minority.

Mike Lelieur

Live Oak

Building a strong and inclusive community

In the spirit of fostering inclusivity and embracing the vibrant diversity of our community, it is essential to address incidents that undermine these values. The unfortunate incident at Raíces y Cariño regarding a transphobic letter published by the Good Times undermines inclusivity and makes it challenging for all members of our community to feel welcomed, connected and loved. It is crucial to unequivocally state that such behavior is unacceptable and does not align with the values of our community. Respect for all individuals, of all gender identities, is essential to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. We must not allow these incidents to fester and continue. We want to emphasize the significance of civic engagement as a means to strengthen community bonds and acknowledge the importance of supporting our essential community partners at Pajaro Valley Pride.

Events like the Drag Story Time sponsored by Raices y Cariño and those by Pajaro Valley Pride represent a celebration of our LGBTQIA+ community. This is a time to uplift and honor these contributions. It is an opportunity for allies to demonstrate solidarity with, affirm and celebrate members of the LGBTQ+ community. By celebrating the contributions of these organizations, we are fostering connections and engaging in civic activities, and we can build a stronger, safer and more inclusive Pajaro Valley. Let us come together, support one another, and ensure that every resident feels valued and respected.

We invite all readers to visit the Cesar Chavez Democratic Club’s booth at the upcoming PV Pride Event on Aug. 20 from 11am-4pm. Please join us as we march in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ community. Our booth and organization will be a safe and welcoming space for all! It will serve as a platform to engage in meaningful conversations, share resources, and promote understanding and resources within the community.

Pajaro Valley Cesar Chavez Democratic Club

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