I remember downtown Watsonville

To the Editor,

I had planned on writing this letter the next time I read “shop beautiful historical downtown Watsonville” in your paper. Your recent letter, “Come to downtown Watsonville,” prompted otherwise.

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I remember when Watsonville had a dozen-plus women’s dress shops — Daly’s, Roberts, The Cinderella, Town and Country, Helen’s Corner, Justins, Bartlett’s, to name a few.

I remember when you could shop at Ford’s and then sit down at their lunch counter and have a piece of homemade pie and a cup of coffee (if you got there early enough).

I remember the demise of Gottschalks.

I remember at least two men’s shops — Alexander’s and Lazy Boy Casuals.

I remember Woolworth’s with its great lunch counter (standing room only) and Rosco’s.

I remember John’s Shoe store where you could actually sit and be fitted for a pair of shoes, order a pair, or have a pair dyed to match your outfit (full disclosure, I worked there for several years).

I remember the Mansion House, the Miramar Grill and La Manzana, where you could order a cocktail and enjoy a delicious relaxed meal.

I remember galleries, drug stores, a camera shop, a music store, a furniture store, Jolley’s Jewelers.

I remember getting the Register six days a week, then three, and now one.

I remember many other things about Main Street Watsonville — once a one spot place to shop and meet and greet.

Not to negate them, but shoe repair shops, beauty shops, a once a week farmers market?

Is Goodwill our current anchor store?

Sue Bloom



A family affair

To the Editor,

It’s time for all of you talented artists to think about entering your crafts in our Santa Cruz County Fair. We have so many departments to choose from: Fine Arts, Baked Goods, Photography, Horticulture, Home Brewing, Amateur Winemaking, Collectibles, Poetry, Ag Enthusiasts, Home Art, Poultry, Horse Shows, Livestock, 4H, Handspun/Handwoven, Technology and much more.

It’s coming up fast … Sept. 12-16 (just eight weeks to go!).

You will find our “Fair Entry Guide Booklets” in many of our local businesses around the county, from Prunedale to Boulder Creek. The booklets have all the information needed, including entry forms. Our website has also been updated to make online entries easier: www.santacruzcountyfair.com.

We will have a great roster of daily entertainment and tons of fun for the entire family. We are looking forward to displaying your amazing talents at one of the very best fairs in the country. For any additional information, please call our office: 724-5671.

JoGene Vega

Poetry Chair


Thank you Caltrans for intersection improvement

To the Editor,

I would like to thank the folks at Caltrans who improved the intersection at Highway 152 and Clifford Avenue in Watsonville. The left hand turn lane was too short and in heavy traffic and drivers would cut across a double yellow line to reach the turn lane. This was technically illegal though not dangerous, and could result in a $237 ticket.

I contacted the Caltrans spokesperson Mr. Jim Shivers, who addressed the problem. He explained the steps involved and, although he could not guarantee a change, said that every effort would be made. Because of several factors, it could have taken several months before completion. The improvement was made recently, much sooner than expected.

Caltrans personnel were polite and helpful throughout and I was given updates as the work progressed.

I want to thank all involved for the improvement at the intersection. 

Larry D. Corridon 



Make America great again?

To the Editor,

Not as long as the current occupant of the Oval Office remains. This man is a traitor, bashing our friends and praising our worst adversary. He should be removed, now!

We go about the world extolling the virtues of our form of government and encouraging other nations to adopt democracy while the rich and powerful buy our government officials, turning this nation into a fascist corporate oligarchy. If our democracy is not dead, certainly it is slowly dying.

Trump has managed to see one significant piece of legislation passed through the Congress; his tax reform bill. Some of the common folk will get a small decrease in their taxes, but 85 percent of the benefits of the bill will go to the top one percent. So much for the idea of equal protection of the law.

Moreover, the money required to finance this bill will mostly be borrowed, adding significantly to the national debt, and Trump will become one of the group of four presidents who have piled up more of that debt than the 41 other presidents combined. The other three are Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. And Republicans are called conservatives?

Thomas Stumbaugh


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