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Big money versus voters
To the Editor,
Following are some critical issues that have 60-90 percent support in polls. Why can’t we have these things that the vast majority of us want? Big corporate money resistance from the groups noted:
• Climate change action — Fossil fuel industry
• Background checks for gun purchases — NRA
• Medicare for all — Health insurance industry
• Less war — Military industrial complex
• Break up big banks — Wall Street
• Free public college — Big banks with student loans
• Lower drug costs — Pharmaceutical industry
• $15 minimum wage — U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The fact is that the one percent’s money and corporate money (in the form of lobbying and other influence peddling) thwarts the public will. It’s big money versus voters.
Once you see our political mess in terms of “following the money,” Trump and our current gridlock make a lot of sense. Both benefit the one percent.
Don Eggleston
Buying privileges
To the Editor,
There is a wall growing to further divide the haves and the have-nots. Some have even gone beyond just being able to legally buy the most expensive, to illegally buy a perception of a hard-earned education at the most elite schools. Whether or not they will ever be fully brought to justice is still in question.
While our “leader” can continue to buy a favorable perception by providing pay-offs to keep truths from being heard, not all of those he paid to surround him, now “ratting” him out, can keep from being exposed. Some of his “fall guy(s)” are already being punished for their part to better serve only his excessive self-interests.
Acknowledge it or not, our “leadership” is so obsessed with money, money, money, declaring multiple bankruptcies to maintain billionaire status at the expense of many less fortunate others is not beyond him. Other improprieties are also being exposed. Why are we allowing questionable behavior to continue?
Bob Fifield