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Locals recognized
To the Editor,
Good to recognize New School students’ restoration work in Struve Slough.
Hal Hyde was honored by Hospice of Santa Cruz County, a well-deserved organization.
Another hard worker was Dr. Stan Hajduk when he worked in emergency in Watsonville Hospital in the past.
Joseph W. Heston as KSBW TV entertainer came for a Red Kettle luncheon at the fairgrounds — yummy.
Marjorie Way
Hope for a more peaceful 2019
To the Editor,
All the mass shootings that took place around the country this year were impossible to fathom in their senseless loss of human life. The godlessly hateful men who commit these shocking atrocities are void of any feelings of kindness toward their fellow man and, seemingly, are on a hell-bent mission for the devil himself.
Therefore, let’s stand united in prayer for a more peaceful 2019. Sunshine, peace and love to all!
Mike Bobeda
Who are the guilty?
To the Editor,
Trump has labeled the “Democrat” Party the “Party of Crime,” but the fact is that if one of the major parties is criminal, it is the Republican Party.
Donald, it’s the Democratic Party. I don’t know who started it, but it is rather astounding that so many Conservatives, currently a majority (?), have fallen into the juvenile insolence of calling it the “Democrat” Party. It’s quite obvious that it is simply their snarky means of sticking it to the liberals.
Republicans have been busy for many years disenfranchising voters by various means. I feel they have violated the Constitution by depriving them of rights given to them in that document and I am at a loss to understand why and how they are getting away with it. Surely this factor played a part in the election of Trump. One wonders if it can be the reason why so many Republicans are choosing not to run for re-election, or are voting, but not for Republicans.
Those who have been listening to other than Fox (faux) News have surely heard about the Republican running for governor in Georgia, who has deprived many thousands of blacks of the vote. And the Republican in North Dakota who changed the rules to make it difficult for Native Americans to vote. Then the Republican in, of all places, Dodge City, Kan., who moved the one polling place for 27,000 voters out of the city limits to suppress the votes of many Hispanics. Marshall Dillon, where are you?
Just three more examples of Republicans messing with the vote!
Thomas Stumbaugh