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Letters to the Editor, Oct. 29

It’s time for unity

Thanks to Mr. Wierdsma for his piece on the huge and ever-growing divide between both political parties, a well-written editorial. Having said that, I have an opinion as to the cause for said divide.

President Clinton many years back, was able to pass “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” with bipartisan support. Both sides were not happy, but both could live with it and it worked well for decades. Today, the Clintons have both apologized for that bill as they have “evolved”, and Hillary needed ultra-left votes. During Obama’s tenure, if you vandalized and robbed a retail store, you got arrested, charged, needed bail and likely were convicted. Today, again thanks to the radical left, it’s no bail, no real charges and at most a slap on the wrist. I could go on for paragraphs, but space is limited. I contend the right are more right and more determined than ever solely because of the left’s complete inability not just to compromise, but to behave in a rational, law-abiding manner. Yes, both parties need to grow up, but if common sense, let alone law and order are out the window, there is little hope for us all.

Dan Misko, Felton

In response to Della Davis

This is a response to Della Davis’ letter published in the Pajaronian (10/22/21). The TIG/m Coast Futura Light Rail Vehicle is limited to 10mph by the Federal Rail Administration due to the poor condition of the rails on the Santa Cruz Branch Line.

This environmentally sound electric rail vehicle is capable of operating at speeds up to 30-50 mph and would do so once the rails are repaired and upgraded to Class 3 standard.

The idea of just a “tourist train” and not a viable transit entity for commuters is an erroneous and deceptive tactic put forth by the affluent anti-rail folks who have a self-serving agenda. Also, a single track can support a bi-directional light rail vehicle such as the TIG/m.

In my opinion Rail With Trail is the best option for the historic Santa Cruz Branch rail line that would benefit all.

Gary V. Plomp, Gilroy

We need to get the facts straight

Yesterday I was able to participate in the Coast Futura trolley demonstration. What a wonderful option for the branch rail line in Our county. The only negative I heard was that the ride was too short. With funding being allocated for new rail services nationwide, I think it would be wise to get our ducks in a row and apply when the window opens. Hopefully, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (SCCRTC) will continue pursuing this opportunity for the benefit of all. While I sympathize with the trail-only groups, It is hard to imagine how a trail will benefit commuters that rely on the limited highway 1 corridor. Even with all the Measure D widening funds, it is hard to imagine any real relief, considering past widening. Why not go for a real solution, a trail with clean light rail and buses at endpoints. For some reason the trail-only groups are spreading misinformation regarding railbanking, expenses and more falsehoods. We have a chance to have an option that will serve locals and visitors for generations to come. For your concerns, get real facts at the SCCRTC site. And leave comments. They have done extensive studies and the rail with trail always came out as the best option. Let’s do it!

Frank Rimicci, Jr., Corralitos

The Pajaronian welcomes letters. Letters and columns may be dropped off or mailed to The Pajaronian, 21 Brennan St., Suite 18, Watsonville, CA 95076. Letters and columns may also be sent via email to tn****@pa********.com. Letters should be less than 300 words, and columns are no more than 700 words. All letters and columns must be signed and have an address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We reserve the right to edit and condense all submissions.


  1. Frank, you are absolutely correct about the Coast Futura. thanks for posting. i hope everyone reads your letter above.
    Gary , your post is right on track as well. thank you for posting.
    Dan, your letter is an apology for an era we have long past. there are millions of GLBTQ people in the military. i know. i have dated a few of the men in the military. Dont ask dont tell was a half way measure until LGBTQ people were finally accepted as equal Americans. it is long gone.

    the right wing is behaving in a violent, climate -change denying, democracy denying menace. their denial of the election results reflect the trumpdumpers psychosis that believes in an alternative reality that is completely false.
    the FBI director, Curtis Wray ( a Trump appointee) has repeatedly warned us that right that support Trump are our MOST DANGEROUS TERRORIST threat.
    we defeated these psychopaths on Sept. 14. Now the same battle is being faced in Virginia. 40 of the 650 people arrested by the FBI for their treason are still locked up in jail in DC until their trials are over.
    the right wing idiots complain that there should be no bail for them, despite their arrest for violence against the DC police. 1 was killed, 140 DC police were injured on Jan. 6.
    trumpdump and his minions were responsible. the evidence is coming out in the work of the congressional january 6 ad hoc commission.
    your complaint about bail is a false flag. you want your right wing white good ol’ boys to go free, but anyone of color to be locked up forever. guess what, Dan ? NOT HAPPENING !
    our central coast is on to your con job. that is why Newsome won with 80% of the vote in our county in September.
    and i will continue to expose you and your anti-American screed , and your fellow travelers on this online media outlet whenever possible.


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