music in the park san jose

Ban chlorpyrifos now

To the Editor,

If the U.S. EPA scientists (in 2016), the American Pediatric Society, the California State Attorney General, the State of Hawaii, and now the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals have called for an end to the use of the brain-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos, why haven’t our state regulators at the Department of Pesticide Regulation suspended or banned chlorpyrifos already?

The neurological effects of this toxic chemical have been well-documented by scientists, including loss of working memory, attention disorders, and delayed motor development. The 2016 EPA report says that there are no safe uses for this pesticide.

There are annually hundreds of pounds of chlorpyrifos applied within one square-mile of Amesti Elementary where I teach. My students are more than 95 percent Latino. Research shows that the use of this brain-altering chemical disproportionately affects Latino farmworkers and their children.

Those of us that live and work near farms that use chlorpyrifos continue to be at risk of major health issues. The DPR needs to take responsible action now!

Julie Vallens



Take positive action during campaign season

To the Editor,

I am a candidate for Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Trustee Area VII (that’s the ocean side of Highway 1, from just south of New Brighton Beach, down to the Pajaro Dunes area). On Monday, Aug. 27, I learned from my opponent that there had been interference with some of his campaign signs. I understand that politics, especially during campaign season, can bring up strong emotions, and the desire to take action. What I ask, and hope for, is that folks use that drive toward the positive.

Use that energy to walk neighborhoods and/or phone-bank on behalf of candidates and issues. Go to forums and listen to different perspectives. Hold ballot parties with your friends and family members where you discuss the candidates and measures. 

Most importantly: vote!

Jennifer Holm



District 7 needs a full-time city councilmember

To the Editor,

I have been a resident of Watsonville since 1976. I am a senior living in Pajaro Village. I have been active in the civic affairs of my city for decades.

I have great concerns about who we select as our next city councilmember, here in District 7. 

We need a city councilmember who is available full time. Our city’s needs are great, and they require the full attention of our next councilmember.

Therefore, I have concerns as to how Ari Parker will be able to meet her councilmanic obligations when she has a full time teaching position. A teaching position is demanding, and at many times, draining, taking much of your energy. I know; I am a retired teacher of 27 years from the PVUSD.

In addition, Ms. Parker is the primary caregiver to her 95-year-old mother.

I have concerns as to when Ms. Parker will have time to address the concerns demanded by being a member of the city council. The most recent council meeting, Aug. 28, started at 4:30 p.m. in closed session, and ended the next day at 1:30 a.m. in open session. 

My question is: How can Ms. Parker, with all her personal duties, take on the duties of a city councilmember?

I think this issue should be discussed in a public forum.

Amador Valdez



Good experience at Calderon’s Tires

To the Editor,

I believe good businesses deserve to be recognized. So I want to thank Calderon’s Tires on Freedom Boulevard for the great service I’ve received every time I’ve been there. From buying one used tire to a full set of four, they’ve been quick, thorough and friendly every time. The place is spick-and-span and I think one could eat off the floor if he wanted to. Thanks, guys!

Dave Steinbruner



John McCain, American hero

To the Editor,

American heroes plan their own overblown sendoffs. American heroes lie about their POW military exploits. An American hero dumps his first wife to marry an heiress. American heroes are hotheads who crash planes because they did not follow orders. American heroes finish at the bottom of their class. American heroes are war mongers to the core.

John McCain, American hero.

Charles Birimisa



Follow the facts of rail and trail supporters

To the Editor,

Fact: Greenway publicly advocated against replacing Iowa Pacific with Progressive Rail as the operator of the rail line.

Fact: Friends of the Rail & Trail, along with many other community organizations, supported replacing Iowa Pacific with Progressive Rail.

Fact: Iowa Pacific was solely responsible for bringing and storing tank cars on the rail line.

Fact: Progressive Rail is now operating the rail line and is moving the tank cars off the rail line as fast as they possibly can.

I will leave it to the good judgement of the community to decide which organizations are advocating for the common good and which are not. Friends of the Rail & Trail is proudly working to get the trail built ASAP and keeping the tracks for future freight and passenger rail, the most environmentally sustainable and cost-effective way to move products and people.

Mark Mesiti-Miller, P.E.

Board Chair, Santa Cruz County Friends of the Rail & Trail


Dismayed by N.Y. Times editorial

To the Editor,

I am not a Trump supporter. Trump scares me.

But I am dismayed by the anonymous op-ed editorial in the N.Y. Times. The N.Y. Times practiced irresponsible journalism when it published such an inflammatory anonymous editorial.  In a court of law a defendant always has the right to confront his accuser. The N.Y. Times editorial is accusing Trump in the Court of Public Opinion, and he has no way of confronting his anonymous accuser. 

The U.S. is becoming a Banana Republic where laws and courtesies are disrespected.

Amelia Koenig


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Next articleJanie Soito, Sept. 7: Greenway should help, not impede, rail process


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