Pinto Lake treatment begins today
A team of technicians arrived at Pinto Lake City Park on Monday, where they prepared for a treatment city leaders hope will help clean what has been called one of the most polluted lakes in the U.S.
Aptos/La Selva firefighters take historic step
Aptos/La Selva Firefighters on Monday said they have issued a vote of no confidence against Chief Jon Jones, marking the first such move in the department’s 87-year history.
Exhibit showcases local photojournalists
From images of civil unrest in the past to the present day-to-day life in Santa Cruz County, Pajaro Valley Arts has brought the work of five photographers together in its latest exhibit.
Taking shape
Lakeside Organic Garden’s colossal new facility at 25 Sakata Lane is quickly taking shape.
Honoring a leader
On the steps of the dilapidated jailhouse in which Cesar Chavez was held 47 years ago, a group of pesticide activists held a rally Friday to both celebrate his birthday and to draw attention to an issue that was close to the labor leader’s heart.
Tom Lehrer celebration returns for fourth year
The life and songs of Tom Lehrer, the maverick song writer from Harvard and current UCSC Professor Emeritus, are the subject of Viva La Lehrer IV, the fourth annual celebration of the man who made a pop music sensation out of the periodic table of element
Salvation Army plans moving forward
Plans by the Watsonville Salvation Army to revamp its downtown location moved forward Wednesday when the organization met to discuss a recent needs assessment.
Aiming for safety
Gun shots ring out during the day and well into the night as police officers run through training aimed to keep their perishable skills from diminishing.
Watsonville woman chosen as Poet Laureate
Victoria Bañales was the first in her family to attend college, but like many young people she was unsure where her path would take...