Santa Cruz County Supervisor Greg Caput (left) and Supervisor Ryan Coonerty listen to staff talking about their accomplishments while on the board. The two attended their final meeting Tuesday. —Todd Guild/The Pajaronian

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY—The Santa Cruz County Supervisors bade farewell to two longtime members Tuesday, both of whom served as city council members in their respective districts before taking their seat on the Board.

Ryan Coonerty joined the Board in 2014 after serving on the Santa Cruz City Council for 10 years. Greg Caput served from 2006-10 on the Watsonville City Council before he was elected to the Board in 2010.  

The outgoing supervisors were presented with resolutions signed by their colleagues, after all of them gave laudatory speeches.

Greg Caput

Supervisor Bruce McPherson recalled how Caput unseated longtime Supervisor Tony Campos in a surprise upset in 2010, and then went on to beat former Watsonville Police Chief Terry Medina in 2014 and Jimmy Dutra in 2018.

And he did so, McPherson told Caput, because “you knew your community so well.”

McPherson described Caput as a “tireless advocate for South County” who made sure the County’s resources were spread more equitably. 

“I am delighted to serve with such a grounded, community-oriented, professional supervisor,” he said.

Coonerty said that, before Caput voted, he considered what the needs of the “average person in your district who just wants government to work for them.”

“You brought that value and that community orientation to your decision making, and I’ve seen it when you made decisions that were unpopular and hard,” Coonerty said. “I think you landed exactly where your community wanted you to be, and at the end of the day that’s the best thing an elected official can often do.”

Caput recalled a conversation with his then 10-year-old son, who asked him whether he was a politician or a public servant.

“I said, ‘I hope I’m a public servant, because that’s what we’re supposed to do,’” Caput said. “And it’s a term that really means a lot.”

Ryan Coonerty

Supervisor Zach Friend said that Coonerty has been a strong voice for the county on a local, statewide and national level. 

“It would be hard to find another person within our community that believes so much in public service,” Friend said. “Even in the face of a lot of the challenges and adversity we have right now. He is one of the strongest voices for the good that local government and government in general can do.”

Holding back tears, Coonerty said he has watched his children grow up during his time as a Supervisor.

“Eight years is a lifetime to them, but it’s only a minute for me,” he said. “As I say goodbye, I am struck by how the crises and the celebrations, the wins and the losses are just a blur. Public life moves very quickly, except during oral communications.”

Coonerty compared his time as a leader—and as a community member—in terms of stories: those in the books his family sells in Bookshop Santa Cruz, and the ones that occurred during his time in office.

“The Santa Cruz story is a unique and amazing one,” he said. “I am grateful to the voters for letting me be a character in their story for a little bit, and I can’t wait to hear the next chapter from our new leaders and our chief storytellers, my fellow Supervisors.”

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General assignment reporter, covering nearly every beat. I specialize in feature stories, but equally skilled in hard and spot news. Pajaronian/Good Times/Press Banner reporter honored by CSBA.


  1. we need to move this county forward. why?
    1. new affordable housing for residents. otherwise, we shall see an increase in people without housing.
    2. an electric commuter rail service serving the entire county. let us stop our addiction to expanding highway 1.
    3, repairing county roads. many of them are poor or unserviceable.
    4. fighting violent crime. we can do that WITHOUT killer robots. and the oversight panel for the county sheriff is a good measure.
    5. the current Capitola mall needs an overhaul. Let us address the Sears building first.
    6. supervisors need term limits. no more endless terms in office.
    7. promotion of tourism in our county , preferably ecotourism.
    8. more promotion of the fabulous products our county grows to eat.
    9. elimination of killer pesticides and herbicides in our ag industry. 1,3-d kills.
    10. yes, a new name for our community college. and the board of supes can help.

    Our two new additions to the county board of supervisors need to get off their asses and get to work. and NO, you do NOT need a pay raise. but our PVUSD teachers do.


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