WATSONVILLE—Seven murals that line the historic Taylor’s Alley, a pedestrian conduit between Main and Union streets in downtown Watsonville, have been given new life thanks to the efforts of local volunteers.
Judy Gittelsohn, owner of nearby Studio Judy G, and her sales director Emily Reynolds cleaned and restored the murals that were worn and defaced. They teamed up with Jose Plascencia, who helped remove them and then varnish and re-install the works that depict various Pajaro Valley topics and people. Owner of Taylor’s Office City, Scott Taylor, whose building flanks the alley, approved the project.
Additionally, Gittelsohn contributed a new mural, “An Apple on Blue,” that she created with Golden Acrylics for the series of murals.
At the close of last week, Taylor joined Gittelson in putting the final touches on the project.
“It was a ball,” she said. “I had such a good time; it was fun to follow someone else’s style in restoring these murals.”
She added that Taylor is working on installing a plaque to acknowledge the volunteer efforts.