music in the park, psychedelic furs

Joseph Stalin famously remarked that in an election, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

While stakeholders in our democratic system insist that our votes count, in reality, given our electoral system, which consistently features two major political parties, in many states the result of a presidential election contest is fairly predictable. There are currently only seven states in which the outcome remains competitive: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada. And it is  precisely in those states that followers of  former President Donald Trump have taken Stalin’s remarks to heart.

Individual voters in every state essentially vote for a slate of electors that are nominally committed to a specific candidate. To win the presidency a candidate needs to amass the  majority of 538 electoral votes, distributed to states based on their size, from across the country–a total of 270. To maintain its continued viability, our system depends on the peaceful transition of power following each and every election. The 2020 election was peaceful until Mr. Trump’s supporters invaded Congress, dozens of lawsuits challenging the outcome across the country were dismissed, and a scheme introducing alternate slates of electors was foiled. However, a significant slice of the GOP base continues to pursue the issue, and it appears to be prepared to preemptively react to potential defeat in this year’s election.

Mr. Trump has steadfastly refused to definitively affirm that he would accept the election results no matter who wins. He suggested he would, but only if “it’s a fair and legal and ‘good’ election.” Many of us read into this to mean that he will accept the results if he wins. He continues to maintain that the only way he can lose this fall is if Democrats cheat. While continuing to rehash the 2020 election, the former president, on his social media platform “Truth Social,” called for the Constitution to be terminated. He also proclaimed to a conservative Christian group that, if they vote for him, they won’t have to vote again after four years, because “we’ll have it fixed so good.” Troubling words indeed.

After four years of listening to Trump’s regular  drumbeat that he won the 2020 election, the GOP base is mobilizing at unprecedented levels to monitor the election under the pretext that the process is unfair and corrupt. Nearly three dozen officials who have refused to certify elections since 2020 remain in office, and will play a role in certifying the presidential vote in nearly every battleground state this fall. Since 2020, county level officials in key states have tried to block the certification of vote tallies in both primary and general elections–unsuccessful thus far.

According to election and national security experts, former president Trump’s efforts to undermine confidence in this year’s election are reminiscent of the tactics he used during the 2020 campaign, and indicate how he could again seek to invalidate the results if he loses, setting the stage for another combustible fight over the presidency.

According to Joshua Matz, an attorney on the board of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), “the legal ground game that was brought to bear against the election in 2020 was junior varsity compared to what we are going to see this year. There is now a much better organized, much more sophisticated, far better funded and far more intentional effort  to thwart the smooth and steady certification of election results required by law.”

We should be strapping in. Our system could be under assault again. Many officials who count the votes in battleground states are primed to dispute the outcome.

Theo Wierdsma

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    • Jose
      California is now like a third world country. The Spotted lanternfly is quickly moving into California along with the citrus greening insects the states agricultural will be destroyed. These invasive species will bring California to its knees. Technology is fleeing the State in record Numbers does Sacramento address these issues with action.?
      You are correct vote out every Demorat Steve Garvey is a great choice!

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      • Garvey is an idiot. We don’t need another idiot in Congress. He has no experience in governing. He’s like Trump.

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  1. Weirdsma
    The name says it all. Who doesn’t want fair and free elections? I have just one question for you Anything you do today requires a ID card issued by a state or federal entity. California issues ID cards and drivers licenses to anyone who asks for one. Voting in elections is the single most important task we have as CITIZENS OF THE UNITES STATES. Since you are so worried about Election fraud shouldn’t EVERYONE AGREE voter ID should be nationwide? Why would ANYONE fell differently? I know leave your wallet home for 10 days and see how not having ID effects you.

    100% Baloney in the above article its options like the above that caused the great California exit. California it’s time has passed for the American Dream


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  2. What is happening in Watsonville is tragic. Why does Watsonville and the state continue look more and more like a third world country? Where are the tax dollars that are imposed on “working” Californian’s?

    What Is Taxation Without Representation?:

    The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government’s policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” [1] National Constitution Center. “On This Day: ‘No Taxation Without Representation!'”

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    • You can always leave our great state and go live in Texas. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

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  3. I plan to vote straight Blue ticket. I also plan to vote NO on the huge property tax increase the PVUSD is seeking. They want us to help pay teachers rent, pay to install electric chargers for their expensive electric cars and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lock changes. It’s insane what the have on their dream wish list. Teachers only work part of the year and many spend the rest of the time either traveling or taking a second job. They have the best health insurance and retirement. I see their cars parked at the schools. Very expensive cars like Range Rovers, Jags, BMW, Tesla’s etc. We just got hit with a property tax increase with the hospital bond issue and now the district wants over 300 million. Which seniors can afford another property increase on a limited income? In addition the school has spend over a million fencing in all schools to protect the kids but the person running against Dutra for city council wants to open up all school grounds to the public that includes homeless camping on the grounds and littering the neighborhood. Think before you vote to jack up your taxes again. I wish I could only work less than 9 months a year and be able to travel the rest of the time. Woopee!

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