WATSONVILLE—Two boys were seriously injured early Tuesday morning when a car struck them as they crossed Walker Street.
Watsonville Police Sgt. Donny Thul said the boys, ages 11 and 12, were using a crosswalk to cross Walker Street from east to west at West Lake Avenue at 7:35 a.m.
A 39-year-old Watsonville woman, driving a Toyota minivan, failed to see the boys and crashed into them as she traveled south on Walker Street, Thul said.
Initial reports on the police radio stated that one of the boys was unconscious.
After Watsonville Fire personnel treated the victims at the scene, American Medical Response paramedics took them to one landing pad at Watsonville Community Hospital, the other at Watsonville Municipal Airport. They were then flown to out-of-county trauma centers by CALSTAR air ambulances.
Thul said they were both expected to survive the ordeal.
Drugs or alcohol did not appear to play a role in the incident, which is still under investigation, Thul said.