WATSONVILLE—The Watsonville Police Department is asking for help from the community to find a driver who struck and seriously injured a woman early Sunday morning before fleeing.
The crash occurred just before 5 a.m. on the 1000 block of Freedom Boulevard.
The victim, who is in her mid-20s, was having surgery Wednesday at Stanford Medical Center to repair a fractured spine and pelvis, said her mother-in-law Marie Gomez.
According to Gomez, the woman was about to get in to a vehicle that was parked along the side of Freedom Boulevard when the driver struck her from behind, and pushed her into the door.
“They basically just left her there,” Gomez said.
The woman has two children, one 3 and the other 5 months.
The suspect vehicle is a dark-colored, single cab truck with oversized chrome rims.
Anyone with information is asked to call Sgt. Donny Thul at 768-3315.
Our Traffic Unit needs your help tracking down a driver involved in a hit-and-run that left a woman with major injuries. Newly obtained video today gives us a slightly better look at the vehicle that struck a woman in the roadway shortly before 5 a.m. Sunday.The truck that left the scene of the crash on Freedom Boulevard is a dark-colored, single cab truck with oversized chrome rims.The victim in her mid-20s was flown to an out-of-county hospital with major injuries but is now in stable condition.If you have any information regarding the driver of this truck or if you witnessed the hit-and-run, please call Sergeant Donny Thul at 831-768-3315.ESPAÑOLNuestra Unidad de Tránsito necesita su ayuda para localizar a un conductor que se dio a la fuga tras un atropellamiento que dejó a una mujer con lesiones graves. Un video obtenido hoy nos da una mejor descripción del vehículo que atropelló a la mujer quien se encontraba en la carretera poco antes de las 5 a.m. el domingo. La camioneta que huyó de la escena por Freedom Boulevard es una camioneta color oscuro de una cabina y con enormes rines cromados.La víctima de unos 20 años fue trasladad a un hospital fuera del condado con lesiones graves, pero actualmente está en condición estable.Si tiene información sobre el conductor de esta camioneta o si fue testigo del atropellamiento, por favor llame al Sargento Donny Thul al 831-738-3315.
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