Watsonville lawsuit
The Watsonville Civic Plaza building. (Tarmo Hannula/The Pajaronian)

Watsonville is a community built on the hard work, dreams, and diverse experiences of its residents. Every voice here matters, but right now, not every voice is given equal access to be heard in city government. Currently, only registered voters can serve on city commissions, excluding committed, tax-paying Watsonville residents–longtime community members, business owners, and workers who are unable to register to vote. 

Measure V expands eligibility to all Watsonville residents, giving the City Council the flexibility to choose the most knowledgeable and committed community members. The City Council retains ultimate decision-making power and can appoint or remove commission members as needed. Measure V simply expands the pool of advisory contributors, without diluting voter influence. 

The State of California, Santa Cruz County, and most charter cities already do this. Measure V brings Watsonville to the present and sets the stage for a stronger future. 

A representative government ensures the diversity of our government reflects the diversity of our region. City commissions are, by Watsonville’s city charter definition, advisory bodies that inform the Council and City Manager on issues impacting our homes, economy, streets, parks, and schools.  

Only elected City Council members have the authority to appoint commissioners and approve their recommendations, ensuring that our government reflects the best interests of our community. According to our city charter, these commissions are meant to represent the diversity of our entire community so that decisions truly meet the needs of all Watsonville residents. 

Supporting Measure V is about embracing progress and ensuring our local governance evolves with the community while seeking fresh perspectives and new ideas.  

Voting “YES” on Measure V means better decisions for Watsonville. That is why current, future, and past Mayors and elected officials strongly support this measure, as well as local organizations like Ventures, and community members.  

Vote “YES” on Measure V, and let us build a stronger, more united Watsonville where everyone’s voice matters and can shape our shared future. 


Maria Cadenas

Executive Director, Ventures 


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Maria Cadenas is executive director of Watsonville-based Ventures.


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