Cooler temperatures continue to run the show, both along the coast and inland. Brayden Murdock, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service of Monterey, said it will be, “quite a bit windier in the next few days and drier as well.” He added that there will be a Red Flag warning—meaning that conditions are ideal for wildland fire combustion, and rapid spread—going into effect Sunday at 8pm. It will last until 11am Tuesday.
“During that time we can expect 20-30 mph winds and up to 50 mph gusts,” Murdock said. “We will also have a high wind watch from Sunday at 4pm through 10am Monday. Fortunately, this will not be accompanied by a heatwave.”
There are now 11 days until Election Day. I rode my bike to the Santa Cruz County building today and dropped off our ballots at the official County Ballot Box. There was a steady stream of pedestrians and an occasional car stopping off at the drive-thru box. Never in my life, or in accounts from my parents—or anyone else, for that matter—have I heard so much build-up about our election and our ballot boxes being rigged, a hoax, fake, and on and on. This was a lot of Donald Trump’s language coming into the election in 2016, with him claiming the election was rigged and hijacked—until he won. Now that language is front and center again. Our elections, voting, fair play at the ballot box, are pillars of our society since the start of our nation. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Health officials are reporting as many as 70,000 new cases of Covid-19 a day for the past several days in our country with 39 states weighing in with drastically high numbers called historic hotspots. There were 77,640 news cases in the US reported Thursday alone. Hospitals are overloaded in many of those states. While Trump, in the final presidential debate last night, said Covid-19 “is going away—that we are coming around the corner,” Biden strongly voiced a completely different view, claiming that we are about to go into a “dark winter.” While Trump said “we are learning to live with it,” Biden countered with: “We are learning to die with it.”