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WATSONVILLE—Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for Watsonville neighborhoods with a high risk of flooding during this Wednesday’s storm, which is said to hit the region early tomorrow morning. 

City officials urge residents who live within this map’s blue-shaded area to evacuate tonight. Choosing not to evacuate puts you and your family at risk and will delay rescue operations, they said.

Watsonville City Council member Jimmy Dutra said in a video posted to Facebook that officials are currently going door-to-door asking people in the senior villages to evacuate. 

“We cannot guarantee that our emergency services can get to you if you decide to stay behind,” he said. “I know this is a very emotional time for people, but we want you to be safe.” 

An overnight shelter has opened at Cesar Chavez Middle School (440 Arthur Road). This site will serve as the central location to accommodate residents.

Ramsay Park (1301 Main St.) will serve as a meeting place for residents to get information on available services. There will be limited onsite services.

For those who need transportation services, Lift Line and Santa Cruz METRO will be available to assist. Call 831-688-9663 for information.

Sandbags are still being filled and distributed by Public Works and nonprofit volunteer teams. Currently bags are available at Joyce-McKenzie Park (500 Joyce Court). Supply is limited, and officials are trying to prioritize residents of high-risk areas.

Additional information and resources

Previous articleEvacuation warnings issued for North, Mid and South County
Next articleCounty declares local disaster
Reporter Johanna Miller grew up in Watsonville, attending local public schools and Cabrillo College before transferring to Pacific University Oregon to study Literature. She covers arts and culture, business, nonprofits and agriculture.


  1. A good dredging of the pajaro river levy area is long overdue.
    It’s choked with decades of trees/brush growth and silt build up.
    Like roto-rootering the clogged pipes in your house…

    • yes, it is supposed to be done every 3 years, at least..
      i have just returned to my home in Pajaro Village. thanks to the city flood
      control people who kept my house dry. t hanks to WPD to prevent looting and burglary.


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