The Santa Cruz County Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services has sent out a call to area artists to create a public artwork for new and renovated areas of the Juvenile Hall Facility in Felton.
The Multi-Use Recreation and Program Facility (Gym) will provide an all-weather exercise and training facility for juvenile hall youth, while the renovation and upgrades project will provide improvements to the aging facility. It will also provide a new seed-to-table educational program.
“The proposed artwork should either enhance the experience of the residents and staff within the juvenile hall facility or the families and support persons visiting the facility,” said County Department of Parks Recreation Supervisor Kathy DeWild.
Proposals for the exterior may be free-standing in the landscape areas by the facility entrance or teaching garden. Artists can propose murals, sculptural pieces, or other works for the interior spaces. Suggested locations include the kitchen/dining area, day-use rooms or the gym.
Chosen artists must pass a background check. The budget for the project is $135,000. For information, visit scparks.com/Home/AboutUs/WorkWithUs/CalltoArtists.aspx. The deadline for submitting a proposal is Feb. 21.