Tarmo Hannula
It’s the last day of January 2020.
I noticed a paint crew has started a major paint job on the historic home on the corner of East Beach and Lincoln streets. That’s the towering white place with tall majestic columns, almost identical to the house next door on East Beach Street. Chris Hernandez of Central Coast Painting of Watsonville said his company will need a few weeks to complete both the interior and exterior paint.
This morning when I went out into the cold morning darkness to fetch my newspapers I noticed Mars low in the sky just below the constellation Virgo. Leo was just above that. I also watched a United Express commercial jet pass overhead bound for San Francisco from Santa Barbara. It had taken off 32 minutes prior and would land in 15 minutes. The jet was descending at an altitude of 10,900 feet and moving at 308 knots. I could also see, right behind it, another United flight from Bakersfield to San Francisco. How did I know these things, you might ask? I have two apps on my phone: Flightradar24 is a (free) magical app that shows you clearly everything around you, and even out over the west, in the sky, from private jets and small planes to helicopters. They manage to pack a lot of info in there about each fight. I find it absolutely fascinating. The other app is Skyviewlite. Once you download it (I get the free version) you can point your Smartphone at the night sky and it tells you nearly everything that is there: planets, stars, constellations, etc. I find that unbelievable.
A routine car stop led to an important break and a recovery of a loaded gun for Watsonville Police Friday. Police pulled a maroon Mercedes Benz E320 over just after 10 a.m. on Beck Street for driving erratically. An officer spotted an open beer container and then a handgun lying on the floorboard. Police recovered a Glock semi-automatic handgun and a full magazine clip. Police also found illegal drugs in the car.
Quote of the day: “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.” — Abraham Lincoln.
Johanna Miller
There has been a confirmed case of the coronavirus in Santa Clara County. Tarmo Hannula tuned in to a livestream press conference and press releases have been sent our way. Read about the outbreak at https://pajaronian.com/man-tests-for-coronavirus-in-s-o-county/.

On Tuesday I went to visit the Agricultural History Project at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds. I learned what the organization is currently working on, including some beautiful new restoration projects by volunteers Hassan Zamani. There is a new model train set that has been temporarily installed at the Codiga Center & Museum, complete with a moving carnival. I’ve always enjoyed seeing small mechanical contraptions like clocks and wind-up toys, so it was a real treat. Read more at https://pajaronian.com/laffertys-bail-increased-to-517k-about-town/.
It’s almost February and I for one am excited for it. And no, not just because it’s my and many of my colleagues’ birthday month (though that may have something to do with it). I am excited for cherry blossoms to bloom and more weekend events to occur. A fun trip to Southern California in late February/early March is also on the calendar, including a meet-up with some old friends. Let’s get into it!
There is plenty to do in Watsonville tomorrow. It is World Wetlands Day—Watsonville Wetlands Watch will hold a volunteer event at Struve Slough at 9:30 a.m. (at the lower parking lot near Body Zone). The Watsonville Buddhist Temple, 423 Bridge St., will host their annual Udon Feed from 4-7 p.m. (take out orders available on request). The Santa Cruz Cider Company, 65 Hangar Way, is having a special Open House tomorrow as part of Bay Area Cider Week, with new cider releases and food trucks from 1-8 p.m.