letter to the editor pajaronian

I will respond to the article (“Cabrillo board censures Trujillo,” Nov. 17-23) in parts. 

1. The censure was about my Facebook page. It had nothing to do with my behavior, my attendance or my demeanor. I was not asked to leave, abandon my Facebook page or issue an apology. 

2. I have had a Facebook page since 2010. I have been hacked a number of times. Former Cabrillo trustee Rebecca Garcia recently told me she had been hacked three times while on the board of trustees. There are six websites dedicated to helping you hack someone’s FB page. Facebook now reports that 77% of Facebook page owners have been hacked. Assistant Police Chief Thomas Sims told me at the last city council meeting that the number of hacks on FB has risen dramatically. 

3. I am not misogynistic. I have more than 2,000 people on as FB friends. The majority are women. None have told me they have seen anything misogynist from me. I have asked them to let me know if they encounter anything. None have.

4. My FB page is not the main concern of my life, or my service on the board. The Cabrillo budget, our grants, my Cabrillo email account, my two personal email accounts and events and meetings on our campus are much more important. 

5. There was no policy governing the use of FB by trustees when the complaint emerged in September of this year. The policy was created after the complaint in September. The new policy was approved at the board meeting in October. That violates the Constitutional principle of ex post facto. That principle says you cannot be punished for breaking a policy that was not in effect when the accusation was made. You can not create a policy and then punish someone after the fact. That is common in Russia, China and North Korea. Not here. How do I know this? I taught high school seniors American government for years, including at Alisal High School in Salinas. 

6. I have been the target of endless attacks online, including on this newspaper, Facebook, Nextdoor.com and others for supporting the name change of our community college. My house has been burglarized. My income tax returns were stolen and took months to get returned. I have been the target of hate and personal attacks since I introduced the name change idea in 2020. Nonetheless, the board agreed with me last November and voted to abandon the name Cabrillo by a vote of 6-1. I am enjoying the support of many in the community, including my neighbors and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). Thank you!

Steve Trujillo


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  1. You are a horrible trustee who belittles anyone who doesn’t agree with your beliefs. Can’t wait to vote for someone else who actually listens to voters and doesn’t have their own personal agenda.

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  2. For one that defends his innocence, and states that no action was taken by the board, no apology required, etc, etc. Then he drags in names of others in his defense! He then goes on to attack the board for his Censure. If thats not enough he then quotes the law in defending his action claiming the act in itself was committed prior to any policy governing such behavior on FB. If he was not responsible in the first place, whats the point other than to defend oneself. One should never use any media to make such comments when entrusted to any board or public office, paid or otherwise.

    He actually is comparing the board to Russia, North Korea & China? What an insult to his constituents and fellow members of the Board.

    Lastly he states the many attacks on his character from social media, stolen mail, tax returns, hacks, hatred, & burglaries. Woe is me! Welcome to public service. In one post, he stated he was a proud WOKE member.

    He continuously defines his credentials and education on all his post. It’s as if he has to define his intelligence to all. If one is so bright, why bring up an issue that many don’t know or care about. Is it to defend his honor or maybe he just loves seeing his name in print. It’s water under the bridge. Pull up your pants, tighten the belt & move on! Again, just my thoughts

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