letter to the editor pajaronian

I spent 50 years of my professional career working at Watsonville Community Hospital. Over those five decades I was fortunate enough to have performed well enough to rise through the ranks and become manager of the Radiology Department for several years. 

As a manager I was exposed to many, many former CEOs of Watsonville Community Hospital and because of so many years of professional contact I feel that I have the past history to speak towards what really counts when the current Board of Directors decide to make a decision on who will be the CEO of our newly formed true Community Hospital. 

My years at Watsonville Community Hospital were very good to me, and at the final countdown to my career, I had no regrets. I had many positive moments that enhanced my career. But, I also encountered situations which I could not endure without speaking against and for that I paid a price. But my conscience is clear, wrong is wrong.  

When I was no longer the manager of the Radiology Department I moved on as a General Diagnostic Technologist and was very happy to continue my career as such. Later, I was voted in as the leader of the CAL-TEC Union, which, once again allowed me to be exposed to the administration of the hospital, and once again I made known what I saw was against the better future of the hospital. Consequences once again. 

Over all those years, only those that allowed the hospital to function as a nonprofit did we have a fairly solid foundation until DRG’s arrived. Then insurance companies took over control of how a hospital would be paid for their services.  

Only one former CEO was the kind of professional that could balance the need to work with employees and be able to contend with the Board of Directors. Handling the medical staff was and will always be a delicate balance, but it can be done. 

The current Board of Directors are in the midst of making a final selection on who will be our permanent CEO since Mr. Salyer left. 

I am, and the community of Watsonville should be, tired of “outsiders” being selected to dictate to us a plan on how to direct our hospital for a successful future. Within the selection group is a “homegrown” individual who has been at the hospital as an employee for many, many years and has shown the dedication and sacrifice to work himself up to the level to be ready for this position.  

Matko Vranjes deserves this opportunity, he is ready and has the experience to fulfill the position; he is an overwhelming choice of the employees of the hospital; he knows the facility and, most of all, he understands the culture and nature of the employees and people of the community. 

Give the man his chance. To select someone else would be to go against the will of the people.

Fred L. Castillo

50-plus years former Radiologic Technologist

Watsonville Community Hospital

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  1. Thank you for your dedication to the betterment of WCH. I remember you from high school and also your sister Julia. You represent the best of Watsonville and I also hope someone local is chosen. We’re also tired of outsiders being chosen for management positions while locals are passed over. This is happening in our city and school systems. Also thank you for your years of great service to the people of Watsonville.

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