letter to the editor pajaronian

I’m here today to give you a pitch,

A burning desire,

It’s more than an itch,

Underscoring the fact

that this valley’s so rich

Painting a picture

imagine this course

Make a reality

Our place mighty force.

The nature, the earth, the sea, and the sloughs

The farms, and the people,

so good and so true

And our horn to toot

Discover a route

For us to travel and others to visit

With little interference

Straightforward, explicit

A vision of flourishing,

Sharing our food,

Traveling, modern,

Could this be the glue?

Our Depot on Walker

The seed of this thought

Where produce that’s local

Can be sold and be bought.

The depot’s historic,

Showcase our town,

A beacon, a treasure,

The crown of our ground.

A colorful market of farms and their flair,

Open and free our glorious fresh air

Filled with people from worldwide

Electric trains that gently arrive

Quiet and frequent,

Rather than drive,

Come into town and share in our bounty,

Supporting our farms, our people, our county.

A pathway to our spectacular downtown

And they come and go –

And we get around.

Judy Gittelsohn


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