letter to the editor pajaronian

Mother’s Day tribute

Among the residents of the Central Coast exists a mother whom I remain in awe of and hold deep reverence and respect for. Her capacity to “mother” far exceeds what any normal person is capable of. 

Since 1989, she has tirelessly both mothered and stabilized those who nurture our fields and tend to the crops that nourish our bodies. She has lifted our field workers through any extraordinary number of programs since 1989. Her soft-spoken voice has had the power to bring forth enrichment programs, literacy, emergency assistance, music, counseling, screenings and basic needs. Hundreds upon hundreds of lives have been stabilized. 

What is disturbing me, however, is her title should be exchanged. It is time for her to move forward from “Sister Rosa” to “Mother Rosa Delores Rodriguez, Mother of Pajaro.”

Toni Breese


Unacceptable levee repair delays

Considering climate change volatility and increased groundwater pumping reducing levee heights after droughts—why the unacceptable delays in managing levees? Like the Pajaro River levee’s horrible disasters, similar situations are now happening in Kings County. Ruined property, including crops, loss of income to more hard-working people and safety issues.

David Lane

Los Gatos

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