letter to the editor pajaronian

Power poles are visual blight

I had the opportunity to drive on an improved and repaved Freedom Boulevard recently.  

Traversing it nice, however, I wish the powers that be had the foresight to include in the budget, PG&E undergrounding of those unsightly poles, electrical transmission wires and cables that have detracted the landscape for years.

Gary V. Plomp


​​CAB stands against hate groups

The Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Inc. (CAB), charged with eliminating poverty and creating social change through advocacy and essential services for almost 60 years, joins 40-plus local organizations supporting inclusion and celebration of our wonderfully diverse community and denouncing hate groups currently organizing in Watsonville. CAB abhors the tactic of dividing communities by pitting one vulnerable group against another.

Excerpts from CAB’s Equity Policy Statement demonstrate our commitment to equity:

• CAB strongly opposes the discrimination, exclusion, exploitation, stigmatization, harassment and criminalization of people based on their race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, language, immigration status or other elements of identity.

• CAB supports and celebrates the inclusion and uplifting of voices from vulnerable demographics and life experiences. This also includes acknowledging intersectionality, or how different conditions or elements of identity may overlap to create unique perspectives, vulnerabilities and strengths.

We encourage everyone to voice commitment and take action to create an equitable and inclusive community for all. For information regarding CAB and its commitment to equity, go to cabinc.org.

CAB Board of Directors

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