Tarmo Hannula: Watsonville Police officer Javier Ayala introduced his K9, Axel, to the kindergarten class of Mara Valadez at Freedom Elementary School Monday as part of the annual Read Across America Program. Many people in the U.S., including students, parents and teachers, take part in Read Across America Day, on the first school day closest to March 2 in observance of the birthday of Dr. Seuss, the enormously popular writer of children’s books like “The Cat in the Hat.”
Forecasters are saying that rain could dampen the Central Coast Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I can’t even recall the last time it rained.
The Democratic presidential campaign got a major shakeup Sunday when candidate Pete Buttigieg, the 38-year-old former Mayor of Indiana, announced his withdrawal from the race, two days before Super Tuesday. Also, Sen. Amy Klobuchar withdrew her name from the Democratic ticket and threw her backing into former vice president Joe Biden. Their withdrawals come after South Carolina’s primary Saturday where Biden emerged with a clear victory. Over the weekend billionaire Tom Steyer, the former hedge-fund executive exited the race as well.
Be aware that Daylight Saving Time will begin at 2 a.m. Sunday. That means it is best to set your clock ahead one hour Saturday night.
Joe Coulombe, the founder of the highly popular grocery story, Trader Joe’s, died Friday at 89. The store was first opened in 1967 in Pasadena, Calif. and, over many decades, swelled its locations to more than 500 stores in 42 states. Though Coulombe sold his stake in the company to a German grocery chain in 1979, he continued as chief executive until he stepped down in 1988. According to NPR news, Coulombe said his formula large revolved around targeting the overeducated and underpaid crowds in university and college-centered towns and cities.
Daily Quote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain.