Jimmy Dutra liable in sexual abuse case
A jury on Tuesday found that Watsonville City Councilman Jimmy Dutra committed sexual battery and lewd and lascivious acts on a minor in his Los Angeles apartment 19 years ago.
The jury also found that Dutra is liable for damages from the emotional and mental...
Sheriff: We will enforce county beach restrictions
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY—Santa Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart said Friday that his deputies—along with law enforcement officials across the county—plan to enforce the beach restrictions issued Thursday by Health Officer Gail Newel.
The health officer imposed the rules to slow the spread of the novel...
$15.2M needed to complete Watsonville Community Hospital purchase
WATSONVILLE—The board tasked with purchasing and overseeing Watsonville Community Hospital told the Santa Cruz County Supervisors Tuesday that they still have to raise roughly $15 million by Aug. 31 to complete the $61.7 million sale.
The Pajaro Valley Health Care District Board of Directors has...
Volunteers gearing up for MLK Day of Service
The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County and fellow nonprofits are gearing up for a day of service for Martin Luther King Day on Jan. 15.
State imposes more Covid restrictions as cases increase
SANTA CRUZ—Santa Cruz County on Tuesday moved back to the more restrictive red tier of the state's Covid-19 reopening plan, meaning that many businesses and services must once again take a step back in their services, and in the customers they can allow in.
PHOTO: Mole and mariachi
The fifth annual Mole and Mariachi Festival took place Saturday at Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park.
Carrie’s Dream fundraiser to be held Sunday
The Fifth Annual Carrie’s Dream Dance Scholarship Showcase and Auction will take place this Sunday at Aptos High School.
Watsonville leaders rally to protect ‘vulnerable’ population
WATSONVILLE—Watsonville Mayor Rebecca Garcia had a request during a conference call with Santa Cruz County leaders: don’t forget our Spanish speaking population.
The longtime outspoken community activist now in charge of the county’s most densely populated city and largest Latino community pushed leaders to add...
E. Coli outbreak traced to single farm
The outbreak of E. coli bacteria from romaine lettuce that sickened 59 people from 15 states from Oct. 5 through Nov. 16 has been traced to a reservoir on Adam Bros. Farming, Inc. in Santa Barbara County, the U.S. Center for Disease Control announced Thursday.
PV’s Valeria Acosta, SF’s Alyssandra Peterson earn top-honors | All-PCAL girls...
A pair of local girls soccer players earned top honors for their valiant efforts on the pitch during the 2024-25 Pacific Coast Athletic League...