WATSONVILLE — Open Streets Watsonville returns on Sunday, on Brennan/Union Street between Callaghan Park and the City Plaza from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The car-free community event will create a “pop-up park” where people can walk, bike, skate, dance and play in the street without traffic. This stretch of road will be temporarily closed to cars.
Open Streets Watsonville, which is free and open to all, is presented by Open Streets Santa Cruz County, a nonprofit community event program that launched in 2012 and is now a project of Bike Santa Cruz County.
“People love Open Streets because they get to use the streets in a way that is normally off-limits to them,” said Saskia Lucas, OSSCC founder. “They feel excited to bike and play safely without having to worry about cars.”
For information, visit scopenstreets.org.