The incoming Trump Administration has announced its intention to carry out mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. 

As religious leaders in Santa Cruz County from across the faith traditions, we cannot remain silent in the face of these policies that will cause untold damage to our community and our nation. While we recognize the dysfunction of our current immigration system, mass deportations are surely the worst possible solution to this problem. And so we denounce the immorality of these troubling plans and their immense human, social, and economic consequences. 

We write with respect for the results of the election and for all of those who voted for President Trump (including many in our own faith communities). At the same time, we cannot deny that our various faith traditions, though diverse, all affirm the dignity and worth of all persons and, in this case, especially of undocumented persons. 

To say that each person has inalienable dignity means, among other things, that they have rights. Our Constitution protects the liberty of all residents by due process and equal protection under the law. This cannot happen if both citizens and non-citizens are rounded up and put into camps. There are not enough immigration attorneys to safeguard these rights. 

The age-old principle of the Golden Rule is also common to all our religious traditions: To treat others as you would have them treat you. We invite all in our community to reflect on this principle and the prospect of mass deportation. For instance, how would you feel if you were separated from your children and sent over the border? Or how would you feel if you lived peacefully in our community for years; did essential work that no one else wanted to do; paid taxes; and then were rounded up and sent to a detention camp? 

Everyone will be affected by this threat to American citizenship. Mr. Trump said that he plans to deny passports to young and adult native-born citizens whose parents are undocumented or revoke their citizenship altogether. The proposed Look Again program may strip naturalized citizens and their children of their citizenship. If American citizenship can be removed from some it can be removed from all.

Consider also the economic costs. Deportation threatens the viability of whole segments of the economy: agribusiness, hotels and restaurants, construction, housing and small business. Some estimate that the cost of deporting 1 million immigrants will be about $88 billion per year. The deportation of 1.2 million homeowners with mortgages would jeopardize the viability of lenders. Nationally 23% of construction workers are undocumented. There are 855,000 with college degrees in business, engineering, communications and social science. Three quarters of a million immigrants are self-employed. Over one half of undocumented residents—about 5 million—speak English well or speak only English. 

Furthermore, as many people have the potential to be removed from our congregations and community, it undoubtedly means that many children may be left behind on their own or in the care of guardians. There are 3.3 million people nationally living in mixed status households with documented and undocumented family members that could be torn apart. Separating families living in peace and contributing to our society is not a viable path forward.  

We support the work of schools, local government, and community organizers to protect this most vulnerable segment of our population. We also applaud the decision of the California government at all levels to refuse or limit cooperation with Federal efforts to bring about mass deportations. As faith leaders, we commit ourselves to educating those affected about their rights and to help them find ways to protect their families.

We call on our congregations and on all people of good will to speak up and act on behalf of all our friends, families, and neighbors both undocumented and documented in this ominous moment in our country. For more information on how to take action, please visit our website at 

This letter was submitted by Pastor Scott Newman on behalf of the Santa Cruz Interfaith Network.

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  1. Let’s remember, it’s the criminal elements in the vast illegal immigrant crowds that are targeted.
    The bad actors here prey on the undocumented for the most part.. Sex trafficking, labor exploitation, etc…
    I hope none of us are so nieve to think the cartels and others haven’t sent thousands into the U.S. for nefarious activities..
    Communities all over the U.S. are more than fed up with it all.
    Where is the responsibility of those who’ve gone around the legal process of immigration???

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    • So don’t whine when grocery prices and everything goes up higher with Felon Rapist Trump in charge.

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  2. “Give to Caesar what belongs to
    That’s your lord telling you to obey the law of the land

    Wise up Parson. Some might think you’r advocating law breaking.

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  3. These preachers offend me with their sanctimonious lectures. They should stick to bible thumping and passing the plate and leave the federal immigration policy to the duly elected president of the United States.

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  4. Pastor I hope you are reading the responses to your article and heed the response. Americans are done with being preached to about politics from clergyman. Your congregations your shrinking, donations are way down, and members of the majority of todays clergy are foreign born. Catholic charities is the worst offender. Being raised Catholic, attending Catholic grammer and high school now at 66 years old I can see clearly the lies and abuse. Priests and Brothers victimizing young boys which is undisputed. I remember the strict rule for parishioners regarding diet (no meat of Friday) and deeds. I remember getting beaten in school by nuns for minuscule infractions (my first broken nose) Let’s also add mandatory tilde to be a member of. A given parish regardless of income. The bishop who insulted our President at a religious service recently is just an example of bad actor in the clergy. So keep protecting criminals who have entered this country illegally (illegal means breaking the law pastor in case you didn’t know) your words are falling on deaf ears. But don’t believe me just read the responses to your article. You cannot protect the raids will happen in Watsonville, Salinas and other sanctuary cities in California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey just to name a few.
    Pray to God for our president! If you don’t like American please feel free to leave. We all need prayers not your left wing lectures. You have my email address I invite your comments here.
    More prayers less B.S. from clergyman is in order.

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  5. Wait till there are no farmworkers to harvest our crops and you food bill is much higher than it is now. Crops will rot in fields. Enjoy.

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    • And then Susan’s suggestion will come into play. The bracero program WILL have be reinstated

      I read today that Los Angeles is in the ICE crosshairs. Sweeps are being made at dawn just before breakfast burritos are served.

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    • Not true we can have a good immigration system and safe neighborhoods. My grandparents came to the USA legally and became US citizens. They did not jump the line
      So we eat food grown in Mexico now what’s your point

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      • I dunno John the Mexican watermelons that I get at Safeway have been pretty tasteless this winter.

        Would you let our thousands of rich Pajaro Valley soil lie fellow every summer?

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        • Hmmmmmmm I bought watermelons from Florida at Sams club that were great in fact we bought cantaloupes and strawberries from Florida as well recently and they were better than anything I tasted from the contaminated Watsonville fields.

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  6. Everything’s for sale. Everything will be exploited. Every advantage for the rich will be taken, and you working class dupes that voted for Trump will see what hes going to do to your schools, your environment, your jobs, your water, and your air. The way I see it you people are all about yourselves and your willingness to get rid of anyone that doesn’t sunburn easily. Say what you want. Call me names (your good at that), tell me you have a mandate when you dont, and watch your backside because he cares about you even less than I do.

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