WATSONVILLE—The Young Farmers and Ranchers (YFR) will host the 14th annual Testicle Festival at Estrada Deer Camp in Watsonville on Aug. 27.
The annual event is a fundraiser for YFR, a program of the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. Guests are invited to enjoy live music, silent and live auctions, a raffle, games and food, including Rocky Mountain Oysters (deep-fried bull testicles).
“This festival is special for a few reasons,” said CJ Miller, chair of the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee. “First, the event is hosted in a redwood grove at the Estrada Deer Camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The venue is one-of-a-kind.”
Miller also highlighted the family-friendly atmosphere and “the chance to try some truly unique cuisine.”
Tickets, which include all-you-can-eat Rocky Mountain Oysters and a full barbecue chicken dinner, are $60 for adults, $30 for children 6-12 and free for children under 5. RSVP to get your tickets before Aug. 20.
Local chef Lori Estrada will be preparing the Rocky Mountain Oysters and local firefighter Derek Witmer will be in charge of the barbecue. Local band No Respect will also perform at the festival, and the annual “It’s All in the Sauce” contest will return, where people can create their own sauces to go with the Rocky Mountain Oysters and attendees can vote on their favorite.
This year’s event also includes a “cow pie bingo:” A cow will be turned loose in a fenced-in area that has been marked off into 64 squares. The cow determines the winner by making the first “deposit” on one of the squares. Chances on each square are sold for $50, and the winner receives 50% of the sales.
Miller said that the YFR Committee aims to facilitate professional development and networking among young farmers, ranchers and others working in agriculture-related fields.
“It is a great way to meet new people and network among your peers,” Miller said. “We encourage anyone who is interested to join.”
The 14th Annual Testicle Festival will be held on Aug. 27, 3-7pm. Estrada Deer Camp is located at 196 Hazel Dell Rd., Watsonville. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For information email sc***@sb*******.net.