letter to the editor pajaronian

Last week, Dr. Farhat-Holzman wrote some 13 paragraphs on lies, pointing the finger almost entirely at President Trump. She even quoted a supposed stat of “30,573 false or misleading claims by Trump.” The good Doctor clearly, like millions of others, is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. But set that aside and consider this.

Trump does exaggerate more than anyone I have ever met. So what. He does rant and rave about the many things he does not like and although often with good reason, not in a polite and tasteful way. Is he as much a womanizer as Bill Clinton, maybe. But the liar in chief, not even close. 

If you as a taxpayer are annoyed by Presidents who lie about things that really matter, Trump is nowhere near the top. Consider the silver award liar: Joe Biden. He said just two weeks ago, “our southern border is pretty much secure.” Really? He also said recently, “the economy is really not that bad.” I’m guessing you noticed the huge inflation and so on. 

But the gold award liar in chief will likely always be President Obama. He said maybe 100 times “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. This (the ACA) will bring down the cost of health care for all of us.” Well, over nine million like me, lost their plans, and were told the ACA equivalent was not $600 a month as we had been paying, but $1,800 a month, just the first year! To date, the ACA has cost in higher premiums and subsidies over $4 trillion.

Yes, Trump exaggerates, but about the size of a rally, or his lifelong friendship with whoever. He told the truth last week on the CNN town hall when he discussed his achievements. He did build hundreds of miles of border wall, not the 52 miles the host quoted. He did give us the lowest rate of inflation and lowest unemployment in a generation through his third year. Now call me crazy, but that matters. I’ll take the obnoxious tweets for actual results. How about you, Doctor?

Dan Misko


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  1. I think it was a well written letter detailing the many falsehoods about Trump and his many failure and a multitude to ballant lies to the American people. Great letter Doctor, continue to tell the truth about the devil and he will flee from you.

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  2. I think it was a well written letter detailing the many falsehoods about Trump and his many failure and a multitude to blatant lies to the American people. Great letter Doctor, continue to tell the truth about the devil and he will flee from you.

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