54 F
February 25, 2025
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Is freedom more than an illusion?

A recent visit to a very moving, emotionally taxing Japanese-American Exclusion Memorial on Bainbridge Island in Washington State's Puget Sound generated some disturbing thoughts about the concept of freedom. The exhibition memorialized one of the darker episodes in our country's history. After the attack on...

Addressing homelessness in Watsonville: A call to action

Homelessness remains one of the most pressing social issues of our time, particularly in communities like Watsonville.  The latest 2024 Point-In-Time (PIT) count shows that Santa Cruz County has maintained gains from the previous year, recording the lowest number of people experiencing homelessness since counting...

Theo Wierdsma column: Counting the votes

Joseph Stalin famously remarked that in an election, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” While stakeholders in our democratic system insist that our votes count, in reality, given our electoral system, which consistently features two major political parties, in...


Three years ago, California did something truly remarkable and forward-looking by approving historic legislation that allocated a record $6 billion to bring equitable and affordable high-speed broadband service to all Californians.  The multi-year investment aimed to close the digital divide by building the largest “Middle...

The future of the Rail-Trail: Montesino and McPherson share their thoughts

As long-time elected representatives for the northernmost and southernmost reaches of Santa Cruz County, we believe the community conversation over the Rail Trail should be thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive. We have sought to model those ideals both through our respective roles within county and...

Opinion: Watsonville City Council wrong on runway decision

As a pilot based at Watsonville since 1980, I am shocked at the Watsonville council’s decision to close the crosswind runway. The dissenting four council members (Montesino, Salcido, Quiroz-Carter and Orozco) voted against a compromise that would have retained the cross wind runway AND...

Opinion: Crime and Punishment

After being incarcerated on death row for 35 years, and after surviving a multiple hours-long botched lethal injection attempt 16 months earlier, on Jan. 25 Kenneth Smith became the first person in the world to be executed with nitrogen gas.  Alabama state officials described his...

Measure N is Vital for Pajaro Valley’s Economic Prosperity

watsonville community hospital
Watsonville Community Hospital is vital to the economic success of the Pajaro Valley. Businesses, their employees and customers all benefit from local access to healthcare.  From employees to medical providers, the hospital provides nearly 1,000 local jobs and medical care for over 100,000 people...

Supervisor’s Update: Connecting communities

santa cruz county supervisor felipe hernandez
In this edition, we’ll discuss the collaborative efforts of a safer, stronger Santa Cruz County, the Pajaro Valley Healthcare District Bond, seek representatives for the Measure D Taxpayer Oversight Committee and shaping the “Age Well Santa Cruz County” Master Plan. Join us in staying...

Letter: County needs to address river at Murphy Crossing

letter to the editor pajaronian
We went to see the current situation of the Murphy Crossing Bridge area on Jan. 21 after we learned that there was a possibility of flooding in that area the next morning.  We measured the height between the bottom of the river and the bottom...

Mariners lose heartbreaker in PK shootout to Los Gatos | CCS...

For a split second, it seemed like Aptos this past weekend was finally breaking the curse of getting past the opening round in the...

Pedestrian dies in Hwy 1 crash