61.3 F
January 10, 2025

Avocado toast on a budget | Try This

"Try This" is a weekly column that celebrates local businesses — especially eateries, watering holes, coffee shops and the like. Tony Nuñez FOOD: El Valle Produce's Avocado Toast I believe I’ve written about El Valle Produce, 530 Walker St., before but I’ve never mentioned their incredible and...

The drive-through discussion is disappointing for many reasons

In the days leading up to Tuesday’s Watsonville Planning Commission meeting I did several hours of background research on the proposed project at 975-1075 Main St. The more research I did, the more disappointed I became. The project is straightforward: 20,000 square feet over three commercial...

Letters to the Editor, Dec. 6

Clearing up the attacks on Panetta You may have seen strange and vague ads on TV this last week that mention our Congressman, Jimmy Panetta, and a bill that he introduced. I want to set the record straight and share how this bill will restore...

What’s going on?

Special events SCDG Turkey Bowl (Nov. 27) The Santa Cruz Derby Girls invite fans, friends and supporters to participate in their 11th Annual Turkey Bowl at the Boardwalk Bowl from 6-9 p.m. This annual tournament raises funds to help offset costs for the league’s travel teams. Teams...

Question of the Week

Are you in favor of renewing the updated public safety sales tax—previously known as Measure G—set for the March 2020 election? Yes: 24 | No: 47 Public comment: Daniel Dodge Jr. Yes. We need to continue to support our police, firefighters, and parks... Carl Vucinich in...

Letters to the Editor, Nov. 22

Incidents of convenience Please realize that there are more guns in our country than there are people. That came to light again in one of the latest senseless shootings in Santa Clarita. The shooter’s late father had six guns. While reports aren’t clear on the impact...

Letters to the Editor, Nov. 15

Hilton Hotel construction Of course developer Mr. Patel has every reason to feel “disheartened” regarding the opposition to his Hilton hotel project on Western Drive. Here is a man who has invested time and money in an effort to finally build something upscale that will benefit...

Question of the Week

Do you like to shopping in downtown Watsonville? Yes: 134 | No: 415 Public comment Neera Bhatnagar: Parking is tricky and/or not safe. The shops are not generally meeting my needs. I try to go to the discount mall for my growing kid’s needs but quality and...

Letters to the Editor, Nov. 8

Here’s my concern folks Forty percent of our fellow citizens: believe lying is OK (over 13,000 and counting) 2. believe one needn’t pay one’s bills (contractors and city police that protect presidential rallies) 3. believe stealing from the government is OK (emoluments clause) 4. believe that UC No. 1 (unindicted co-conspirator #1)...

Tony’s Thoughts: Hank Garcia, please reopen Fox Theater

fox watsonville downtown
Hank Garcia, we’ve never met before—I hope that changes in the near future—but I want you to know you’ve had a massive impact on my life. You helped me see new worlds. You helped me learn English. You helped me fall in love with...

Watsonville names Patrick Rodriguez, 37, new softball head coach

Watsonville High this week announced it promoted Patrick Rodriguez as the newest head coach for the softball team. The 37-year-old Watsonville native will take the...