Guest View, Ray Cancino: More must be done to prepare for disasters
To strengthen our community, we must continue to build resiliency to respond to the next disaster. The last three disaster-impacted years should not be chalked up to once-in-a-lifetime occurrences. For some, the March 11 flood in Pajaro was the fourth time in the past...
Guest View, Susan True: Trusting us to care for others
To her very last breath, Laura Segura was caring—and fighting—for us all.
Laura, who died June 9, 2022, was a beloved “justice warrior” who spent her life fighting for the opportunity and dignity of others. Just a few days ago, Community Foundation Santa Cruz County...
Guest View: Working for a common good
It was 1995 the last time the Pajaro River flooded this badly. Local clergy responded, organizing charitable efforts to help those affected. But when we showed up to meetings where key decisions would be made, we were dismissed and sent back to our places...
Supervisor’s Update, May 2023: Onward to the road to recovery
We are almost in the middle of the year and so much has already happened. Parts of the District are still recovering from the floods, construction has begun for the College Lake Water Supply Project, we are seeking community input for the County Housing...
Letter to the Editor, May 18, 2023: Results matter
Last week, Dr. Farhat-Holzman wrote some 13 paragraphs on lies, pointing the finger almost entirely at President Trump. She even quoted a supposed stat of “30,573 false or misleading claims by Trump.” The good Doctor clearly, like millions of others, is suffering from Trump...
Letters to the Editor, May 11, 2023
Mother’s Day tribute
Among the residents of the Central Coast exists a mother whom I remain in awe of and hold deep reverence and respect for. Her capacity to “mother” far exceeds what any normal person is capable of.
Since 1989, she has tirelessly both mothered...
Sandy Lydon: The 2023 Pajaro flood and Vallejo’s legacy
Again! The long-time residents of Pajaro stand in the mud, their voices filled with frustration and anger. Some remember back to the March day in 1995 when they heard the assurances from politicians. Be patient! Help is coming! We’ve got your back!
The rampant cynicism...
Juan Carlos Pozo: Watsonville’s fortitude
I am a teacher in Watsonville, California, a community forged in the frost of adversity and the fire of its fortitude. I find joy in my work and dedicate myself to it, not just because of my vocation or love for art—although both are...
Letter: Need a true bridge on Murphy Crossing
Building a real bridge over Pajaro River on Murphy Crossing Road “needs to be an immediate priority," according to an editorial in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
I have advocated for building a real bridge over Pajaro River on Murphy Crossing Road by replacing the current...
Supervisor’s Update: Pajaro Valley rising
As the days get longer, we have the opportunity to cherish the beauty of our community under the warm sunshine. However, our community has also been impacted by the effects of climate change, with frequent flooding and atmospheric storms in parts of Watsonville and...
Demolishing the past for a new Starbucks
A piece of Watsonville’s history was torn to the ground Monday as a wrecking crew demolished the Taqueria Mi Tierra restaurant on Freedom Boulevard.