67.1 F
July 26, 2024

Watsonville Community Hospital needs us

Rev. Robby Olson
Watsonville Community Hospital is in urgent need and together we can save it! In the interest of full transparency: I am a Watsonville resident, the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, and a personal financial donor...

Hard is to be born

Jay Shinseki Watsonville
“Hard is to be born into human life, now we are living it, difficult is it to hear the teachings of the Buddha, now we hear it. If we do not cross over to the Truth in the present life, in what life shall...

Giving thanks

Jay Shinseki Watsonville
There is a unique term in Japanese that is used by Buddhists as they sit down to partake of a meal. The term in itadakimasu 頂きます. Before someone begins to eat they place their palms together and say the words itadakimasu. In a simple...

Watsonville Works

Santa Cruz County
Over the past year, the County has made significant investments in South Santa Cruz County. From the purchase of a new South County Service Center so residents of South County can have access to County services in a way never previously afforded, to setting...

Tony’s Thoughts: Thanks for following through, PVUSD

I’d like to give a big thanks to the Pajaro Valley Unified School District and its board of trustees for moving forward with the much-needed renovation of Watsonville High School’s stadium. On Wednesday, the trustees approved a contract for the design of the stadium...

Letters to the Editor, April 15

letter to the editor pajaronian
Vote no on D We need to look at all the benefits of preserving and restoring the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line, and not be swayed and misled by the anti-rail groups regarding Measure D. The train, whether it be a light rail vehicle, electric tram...

Letters to the Editor, April 29

letter to the editor pajaronian
Reasons to vote against the levee assessment Everyone seems to agree that the Salsipuedes and Pajaro levees need repair. The public relations information from the new Pajaro Flood Agency isn’t emphasizing some issues that deserve to be considered before you vote—and there are about 3,000...

Cultivating fruit

Rev. Robby Olson
One of my favorite passages in the Christian scriptures comes from Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. Perhaps surprisingly, the reason I love it so much is how not-religious it is.  The passage sets up a contrast between disparate ways we can choose to...

Letters to the Editor, Feb. 25

letter to the editor pajaronian
Thank you, John Laird The Democratic Women’s Club (DWC) of Santa Cruz County thanks State Senator John Laird for his swift action on introducing legislation to save the Watsonville Community Hospital, recently purchased by the Pajaro Valley Healthcare District Project, a consortium of government agencies and...

An economy of neighborliness

Rev. Robby Olson
I recently heard an interview with Hebrew Bible scholar, Dr. Walter Brueggemann. When asked about the atonement—a much discussed and much argued Christian theological concept—Brueggemann replied, “I’m much more interested in the economy than I am in atonement.” He went on to explain that...

Wharf to Wharf returns to full capacity with 16k participants 

For the first time in what seems like a very long time, this weekend’s 52nd running of the Wharf to Wharf Race is back...