47.2 F
January 11, 2025

Parks and recreation update

By Rebecca J. Garcia, Watsonville Mayor All my grandchildren learned to swim through the Watsonville summer aquatics program. They went underwater, they floated, they played and they swam. So much fun. However, there will be no summer aquatics program this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic....

A plea for cyclists

A plea for cyclists This message is asking drivers to please consider the safety of cyclists in our communities. Think about how you feel if you hit a bike rider and maimed them for life or they died. It’s not a fair contest. Cyclists always...

Firework sales should be brought to the public

The Pajaronian
By Dennis Osmer, former Watsonville Mayor Hardly anybody likes to work with somebody looking over their shoulder. And of those, nobody likes getting advice from somebody outside the circle. But for City Council and the City Manager, that’s the job they sought and got. According...

Racism is a ‘WE’ issue

Jimmy Dutra
By Jimmy Dutra, former Watsonville City Councilman In 1992, some of us witnessed the ugly truth of racism for the first time. We heard the outcry over the beating of Rodney King. I was a teenage student at Watsonville High School, who believed in an...

Navigating Watsonville’s skeptics

Navigator schools
By John Flaherty, vice-chair of Navigator Schools’ Board of Directors Sharon Waller, the co-founder of Navigator public, nonprofit charter schools, grew up in Watsonville. Her grandmother worked at Ford’s Department store. She took Sharon to lunch next door at the Woolworths.  Sharon Waller is a third-generation...

New charter school is hurting our community

Navigator Schools, which runs Watsonville Prep on the grounds of E.A. Hall Middle School—and will soon expand to Ann Soldo Elementary School—should find its own space as soon as possible. In the meantime, the organization should immediately pay back the hundreds of thousands of...

Preserving our library

I read my first novel at the age of 10. The novel was the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. I checked the book out from a satellite library that was across the street from where I lived. That book is relevant today in the...

City should not be taking Covid-19 funding

City should not be taking Covid-19 funding I was delighted to see that the Watsonville City Council approved “a little more than a half-million dollars of federal funding to bolster the community’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.” I was very disappointed, however, to note that of...

Serving Nuestra Ciudad

The Pajaronian
The COVID-19 crisis has without a doubt been a challenging ordeal. Our businesses are suffering, our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet and there do not seem to be many quick solutions to the problems created by this tricky, highly-infectious virus. Yet, the...

Serving the nation

Serving the nation The United States Postal Service is committed to delivering your mail and packages throughout the current pandemic. We are proud of our role in providing an essential service to every community. The one constant throughout this crisis has been our commitment to...

Watsonville names Patrick Rodriguez, 37, new softball head coach

Watsonville High this week announced it promoted Patrick Rodriguez as the newest head coach for the softball team. The 37-year-old Watsonville native will take the...