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September 7, 2024

Movie Review: Bay, stop making 'Transformers' movies

The plot? Well, it’s there. Does it make sense? No. Do the filmmakers care? It doesn’t feel like it. The exposition is excessive and most of the time it just complicates what could have been a simple action romp through the past.

From the editor's desk, June 27: Meet the interns

You may have noticed some new bylines in the Register-Pajaronian recently. This summer, we have brought on three editorial interns who are learning the ropes of news writing.

Letters to the Editor, June 27: Remembering Bill Bachan

Letters to the Editor, June 27, 2017

Letters to the Editor, June 24: Fueling the flame of discrimination

Letters to the Editor, June 24, 2017

Letters to the Editor, June 20: An ‘All Star Thank You’

Letters to the Editor, June 20, 2017

Responding to the Grand Jury’s Measure L report

Much of the grand jury report about Measure L was true, two years ago. It fails to recognize the many changes that have taken place since.

From the editor's desk, June 20: A surprising meeting

A seemingly routine item on the Watsonville Planning Commission’s agenda has turned out to be full of surprises.

Movie Review: Disappointing third act keeps 'Wonder Woman' from greatness

The first half of “Wonder Woman” is excellent. The characters are deep, the acting is believable, the set pieces are excellent and the comedy is well written — Pine kills every scene he’s in with his perfect delivery. But the second half devolves into a C

Family-friendly LGBTQ+ Peninsula Pride Parade in Seaside

June 12 marked the anniversary of the Orlando massacre that killed 49 queer people of color. A year ago, prominent local gay cleric Father Jon Perez hosted a vigil in which speakers emphasized that our LGBTQ+ community would not be driven back into the cl

Man arrested after lengthy standoff

A man who held police at bay while armed with a knife was arrested late at night on Sept. 4 outside a Herman Avenue...