45.7 F
February 5, 2025

Guest View: A winning formula for the healthcare district board

letter to the editor pajaronian
We need Marcus Pimentel and Jasmine Najera as board members of the Pajaro Valley Health Care District (PVHCD) to continue the success of Watsonville Community Hospital (WCH) under community-led ownership. They’ve been in the trenches with the leadership of WCH throughout the process of...

Dutra: Democracy is on the ballot

jimmy dutra
By JIMMY DUTRA We have seen politics hit an all-time low in our community. Behavior that has been more common at the national and state level has arrived in our local politics. It has moved from “what I can do for the people” into “how...

Letters to the Editor, Oct. 27

letter to the editor pajaronian
Dutra always puts the people first I will begin my “opinion piece” with a quote: “There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim they accomplish things. The first group is less crowded." —Mark Twain I will be voting for...

Guest View: ‘We are better than these dirty tricks’

By DENNIS OSMER ​​Dirty tricks. In the case of the Fair Board President and the State Department of Food and Agriculture, this is the best that can be offered to us in Santa Cruz County. The defamation and dismissal of David Kegebein, CEO of the...

Guest View: Prop. 28 boosts schools

letter to the editor pajaronian
Proposition 28 is an initiative on the Nov. 8 ballot that funds school-based arts and music education throughout the state. It's estimated to provide an annual $900 million across California PK-12 public schools without raising taxes. For kids, this means more joy, opportunities to...

Letters, Oct. 21, 2022

letter to the editor pajaronian
Save our irreplaceable farmland Our farm, Lakeside Organic Gardens, now in our 26th year, creates hundreds of jobs and supports local businesses that rely on the strength of our local agriculture. Growing food provides employment at all skill levels, from the newest technologies to business...

Guest View: Measure Q is a better option

letter to the editor pajaronian
It is time for us voters in the City of Watsonville to decide on Measure Q and Measure S. I read several articles related to the measures including “City Council places competing initiative against Measure U renewal” by Tony Nuñez in the Pajaronian on...

Guest View: Save it or pave it

letter to the editor pajaronian
As a member of the Committee for Planned Growth and Farmland Protection that is putting Measure Q on the ballot, I want to address some of the claims that have been made against us by certain Watsonville City Council members and others. We have...

Letter: Fairgrounds and community will suffer the most

letter to the editor pajaronian
I came to the Pajaro Valley in late 2000 to serve this community as editor of the Register-Pajaronian. For the next decade, my staff and I covered a series of fair managers and scandals at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds and it seemed the...

Letter: Dr. Gallagher is who the Hospital Board needs

letter to the editor pajaronian
Pajaro Valley Health Care District Board positions are going to be available for the Watsonville Community Hospital and the voting is part of the election ballot for November. There are two positions which need to be filled with new Board members. It is very important...

Demolishing the past for a new Starbucks

A piece of Watsonville’s history was torn to the ground Monday as a wrecking crew demolished the Taqueria Mi Tierra restaurant on Freedom Boulevard.  The...