Zach Friend and Greg Caput, Oct. 5: Progress on the Pajaro River
As we move into the rainy season, we know that many share our concerns about the Pajaro River and the stability of the levee system.
Janie Soito, Sept. 7: Greenway should help, not impede, rail process
It is no coincidence that the nonprofit organizations Mr. Becker mentions (Register-Pajaronian, Aug. 31-Sept. 6) support the rail trail. Some of them are contractors who fulfill contracts that the RTC funds for special projects.
Greg Becker, Aug. 31: Follow the money of rail trail supporters
The Santa Cruz Sentinel and Register-Pajaronian published an identical letter, headlined respectively “Are Koch brothers behind rail-trail opposition?” and “Big money trying to kill rail trail.” It asserted that the Greenway trail leadership has “suddenly appeared” and is playing into the hands of the Koch brothers and “Americans for Prosperity.”
On My Mind, Aug. 31: All that stuff
I’m feeling trapped by all my stuff. It’s everywhere — my garage, closets, drawers. And I know this much: Most of it I don’t even need — that’s the sad fact that’s been lurking around in my skull lately and I don’t like it.
California Tribal Casino Operators File Lawsuit To Ban Card Rooms From...
Published in cooperation between and The Pajaronian
California tribal casinos have filed a lawsuit to prevent local card rooms from offering certain table games....