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September 7, 2024

From the editor's desk: City making strides with crime rate

City leaders have every right to be proud of Watsonville’s dropping crime rate, capped off by no homicides in 2016.

Mayor's update, June 2017

Watsonville Mayor's update, June 2017

Letters to the Editor, June 10: Hopeful with Prop. 57

Letters to the Editor, June 10, 2017

On my mind, June 10: The song of life

For the past several weeks the mockingbirds have returned to our yard. This is the normal pattern, around May and June. Let’s face it — they’re noisy and a nuisance. It used to really bother me, but for reasons unknown, I’ve come to enjoy their morning sy

From the editor's desk: Stories of commencement

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how Cabrillo College kicked off the graduation season on May 19. This week, graduations are shifting into a high gear.

Laina Farhat-Holzman, June 3: Where are the university grownups?

For some years now, we have seen a transformation in university life that does not bode well. These changes are in line with changes in public behavior in our society at large, a general coarsening of language, ideas and actions.

What’s your skill? Everyone has something to give

“What can I do?” Sometimes we hear this in response to a daunting problem, like the number of people in Santa Cruz County who can’t always afford enough food for their families.

California: It’s time to fix this water issue

Despite a rainy winter, a serious water crisis continues in California.

From the editor's desk: Palm trees represent ‘baby step’ for downtown

Last week, crews planted palm trees in the recently-constructed medians along Main Street in downtown Watsonville. Immediately, people took to Facebook to express their disapproval.

Man arrested after lengthy standoff

A man who held police at bay while armed with a knife was arrested late at night on Sept. 4 outside a Herman Avenue...